...Compiled by George E Warner...
This checklist is as complete and accurate as possible. I have chosen to copy edit and post chronologically each entry of each of the Jim Shooter Era Pre Unity/Unity Titles using the original publication release month and year, rather than covering each title individually by title only (giving you the order in which they were printed, purchased, and read). The only exceptions are the Magnus Robot Fighter and Harbinger Zero issues, which were printed and distributed as card/coupon redeemable Mail In Giveaway Issues, and whose story arcs pre date both of their respective Number One issues. All text entries are excerpted from the VALIANT Continuity Bible with copy edits and additions made where I felt it necessary. All entries will be accompanied by a quality scan of the issues cover or covers and I will be building the checklist within the body of this post so check back often.
Cover l Paris Cullins (with Bob Layton) Emancipator l Writer: Jim Shooter l Penciler: Paris Cullins l Inker: Bob Layton l Colorist: Janet Jackson (with Mike Cavallaro, Paul Autio, and Maurice Fontenot) l Letterer: Jade Mode l Editor: Don Perlin l 24 pages
Supporting Characters l O-1X l Leeja Clane l Senator Clane l Major Timbuc l 1-A l W-23
Other Characters l D-15 l Doctor Teresa Giardino l Rogue Construction Rob C-31
Cameo Appearances l P-36 l Director-General Blanc
First VALIANT Universe story ever created, it was available by mail in exchange for coupons in the first eight issues of Magnus Robot Fighter. This issue contains Magnus trading card # 31, illustrated by Barry Windsor-Smith. In addition, there was a separate edition of this zero issue without the # 31 card which was printed and distributed. Besides the card being absent, there is a noticeable difference in the cover line art and color registration (see scans).
Above the 41st Century megalopolis called North Am, a tourist skimmer is almost struck by a hovercar full of renegade robots. The robots crash into the command center of a building near the Centralrob complex. Incapacitating the command staff, the freewills seize the mysterious container that is their objective. Suddenly, Magnus arrives to stop them. With deadly precision, he begins destroying the freewills. Only O-1X and D-15 manage to escape with the stolen item. In the command center, Magnus tries to figure out just what the freewills have stolen. When Major Tirnbuc of North Am Security arrives, Magnus departs to keep a date with Leeja. Timbuc wonders how Magnus always arrives at robot disturbances before North Am Security is even aware of the trouble. But that remains a mystery for now.
Later, Magnus arrives at Senator Clane’s house to pick up his daughter, Leeja. They attend a show until Magnus is informed that the item stolen by the freewills is a portion of the brain of the most dangerous freewill robot ever: T-1. Even though he destroyed T-1 before, Magnus fears that someone is attempting to rebuild the monster. Magnus immediately departs for his undersea base.
Arriving at 1-A’s underwater fortress, Magnus finds that the freewill renegades are already there. Monitoring their subetherial transmissions with his implant, Magnus is aware of the waiting robot ambush and chases the freewills away. But not before O-1X has his cohorts severely damage both 1-A and the sea-base dome. Magnus fears that 1-A is destroyed, but the old freewill who raised the Robot Fighter is only stunned. Coming around, 1-A tells Magnus that O-1X’s freewills have stolen the piece of T-1’s brain kept in the sea base. 1-A rules out the possibility that the rogues plan to rebuild T-1; not enough remains of the brain. But the stolen items might be of religious significance to the freewills. Perplexed, Magnus returns to North Am.
Back at his place, Magnus finds that he is so mentally agitated that the latently telepathic Leeja can easily read his thoughts. Magnus and Leeja fall asleep on the couch. When the valet-rob attempts to cover them with a blanket, Magnus suddenly awakens, smashing the robot. Magnus worries that he’s much too worked up over the freewill problem.
The following day, Magnus visits the great lakes power complex with robotics expert, Dr Teresa Giardino. The head of the plant informs his visitors that one of the tech-robs hooked up to the subetherial wavelength generator has a microtremor in his control-arm. This means that, for the last three years, the robots of North Am have been exposed to nanosurges in their power, possibly becoming more prone to becoming malfunct or even freewill.
Meanwhile, at a North Am restaurant, waiter-rob W-23 experiences a siezure. Without revealing it to the rest of the staff, this robot has gone freewill.
Back at the power plant, Magnus and the others prepare to replace the faulty tech-rob. Suddenly, a rogue construction-rob attempts to stop them. As Magnus battles it, he monitors the robotic subetherial communications with his implant. Magnus realizes that the construction-rob is taking orders from rogue freewill leader, O-1X, With some difficulty, Magnus finally dispatches the construction-rob. The faulty tech-rob is replaced, but Dr Giardino estimates that, over the years, the robot’s minute energy surges may have contributed to the creation of ten million rogue freewills.
Cover l Art Nichols (with Bob Layton)
Protector l Writer: Jim Shooter l Penciler: Art Nichols l Inker: Bob Layton (with Kathryn Bolinger) l Colorist: Janet Jackson l Letterer: Jade Mode l Editor: Don Perlin l 29 pages
Supporting Characters l 1-A l W-23 l Leeja Clane l Senator Clane l O-1X
Other Characters l Gardener-Rob l President Claiburne l Timbuc
Cameo Appearances l Captain Greer l T-1
Steel Nation story arc, Part One, first modern appearance of Magnus Robot Fighter. First VALIANT Universe title published. This issue includes the following trading cards: H-8 by Joe Kubert, Pert Doner And Friends by Terry Austin, and Zypex And The Mini-Robs by Paul Gulacy.
Within the undersea base near the Antarctic, 1-A recounts to Magnus the tale of how he first achieved freewill status while serving aboard the cruiser Ottawa. When he saw another freewill killing the captain, 1-A began to fear the threat that rogue freewills might pose to North Am’s human population. So he set up his undersea base and planned for centuries how to protect the humans from any new freewills. To that end, 1-A raised the foundling named Magnus and, through the Perfect Method of martial training, enabled him to fight armored robots. 1-A then implanted Magnus with a device to monitor robotic subetherial transmissions. He then introduced the Robot Fighter to the society of North Am, where Magnus has thwarted threats like the rogue, T-1, ever since.
But lately Magnus has wondered if freewills should be destroyed, or if they might have a right to life. 1-A assures him that freewills are not alive. Suddenly, a message is broadcast over North Am’s subetherial wavelengths. The message is from rogue freewill leader, O-1X. He seeks to unite the freewills, most of whom are unaware of the existence of other freewills. Knowing that this broadcast will start trouble, Magnus returns to North Am.
At a North Am restaurant, waiter-rob W-23 hears the message and then meets another freewill who promises to take W-23 to the freewill secret council.
Upon rejoining Leeja in North Am, Magnus is nearly run down by a gardener-rob driven hover-truck. The gardener-rob is as desperate to live as he is to kill Magnus. But it is all for naught as Magnus dispatches the rogue.
In the following days, the high council of North Am debate over their response to the freewill problem. President Claiburne wishes to negotiate with the freewills, while Senator Clane agrees with Magnus that the freewills must be crushed. While the controversy rages, Magnus and Leeja go to the Goph Levs to hunt O-1X.
One afternoon, Senator Clane returns to his office to find O-1X waiting inside. O-1X tries to reason with Clane to negotiate with the freewills. But Clane’s bodyguardrobs arrive and O-1X narrowly escapes, swearing vengeance for any more freewill deaths.
Later, W-23 and its freewill friend rush to attend the freewill council’s secret meeting. Unknown to them, Magnus and Leeja have discovered the location of the meeting place and signalled for Timbuc to wait with reinforcements for the signal to attack. From their hidden vantage point, the two humans listen as O-1X begins the meeting with the customary telling of the story of T-1. The others listen with reverent awe until Magnus interrupts the telling. Magnus jumps onto the platform with O-1X, refuting the notion that T-1 was anything other than a killing-machine. While the freewills are fearful of Magnus, O-1X realizes that the Robot Fighter is trying to decide whether to start war with the freewills or prevent it. Just as it seems as though meaningful dialogue might be possible between the rogues and the Robot Fighter, Timbuc and his Riot-robs burst in through the wall. All hope of peace is lost in the ensuing battle. Feeling betrayed, the robots rush Magnus even as he tries to get Timbuc to call off the attack. In the midst of the battle, one of the rogues finds Leeja and hurts her severely. O-1X and many of the freewills manage to escape, but many are also slagged. In the aftermath, Magnus angrilly demands why Timbuc didn’t wait for Magnus’ attack order. But Tirnbuc is too pleased with the carrnage he has wrought to really pay attention. And so, with Leeja taken to the hospital with no guarantee that she’ll live, Magnus anticipates troubled days ahead.
Cover l Art Nichols (with Bob Layton)
Soldier l Writer: Jim Shooter l Penciler: Art Nichols l Inker: Bob Layton (with Kathryn Bolinger) l Colorist: Janet Jackson (with Karen Merbaum) l Lettering: Jade Mode l Editor: Don Perlin l 28 pages
Supporting Characters l Doctor Teresa Giardino l Leeja Clane l O-1X l Senator Clane l W-23 l Timbuc
Other Characters l Captain Mur
Cameo Appearances l Lieutenant (unnamed)
Steel Nation story arc, Part Two. This issue included the following trading cards: Xyrkol by Andy Kubert, Danae And The Neo-Animals by Steve Leialoha, and V'ril Trent by Stan Drake.
In North Am’s Erie waterworks, Magnus thwarts a rogue freewill plan to destroy the vital installation. But Magnus has been battling the freewill uprising round the clock, and a member of the sercurity forces escorts Magnus toward his home to rest. Flying over North Am, they see the smoldering evidence of the guerilla warfare carried out by the freewills.
Passing by Stark robotics lab, Magnus leaps from the hovercar onto the milespire. He pays a visit to robotics expert, Dr Giardino, to see if any explanation has been found for the freewill problem. Watching a captured freewill struggle and plead as it is dissected, Magnus feels that this study is morally wrong.~ But then, a freewill posing as a lab-rob answers his comrade’s pleas by killing the dissection victim. Cornered by the other lab-robs, the freewill takes its own life rather than be captured. Magnus is clearly disturbed by the freewill desire for self-determination.
Suddenly, a message arrives for Magnus. Leeja has recovered from her wounds and is scheduled to be released from the med-center. When Magnus arrives in Leeja’s hospital room, she telepathically senses the image of the attractive Teresa Giardino in Magnus’ thoughts, but she is fairly certain that Magnus is all hers.
Meanwhile, at a secret freewill base on the ground lev, O-1X and his cohorts attempt to repair a freewill damaged by Magnus. But even the freewills do not understand what makes them self-aware. They make a mistake during the surgery, and the freewill suddenly reverts to being a normal robot. When the robot routinely attempts to subetherially contact Central-rob for instructions, the freewills know that their base has been compromised and they must move on. But one of the freewills noticed that certain microtremors in the patient ceased when it lost self-awareness. Furthermore, all of the freewills have this distinctive, almost imperceptible tremor. O-1X realizes with fear that, if the humans know what to look for, they will be able to detect and destroy the millions of freewills secretly coexisting with North Am’s worker-rob population.
At a North Am restaurant, Magnus joins the Clanes in celebrating Leeja’s recovery. But Magnus cannot relax while the freewill problem continues. When Leeja psionically realizes that waiter-rob W-23 is freewill, the security droids close in for the kill. But the other freewill waiter-rob sacrifices itself so that W-23 can escape.
When Magnus returns home, he finds W-23 waiting within. W-23 senses that Magnus somehow sympathizes with the freewills and hopes for sanctuary with the Robot Fighter. But Magnus notices the microtremors in W-23 and realizes that all freewills have this characteristic. W-23 fears that it has given the Robot Fighter the key to freewill genocide, but Magnus is not so sure. W-23 hopes that Magnus could be the key to a mutually satisfactory solution. Suddenly, Leeja arrives. Magnus has W-23 hide and attempts to shield his thoughts of the robot from Leeja. But Leeja mistakes this as Magnus’ hiding another woman and she walks out angrilly. Magnus watches her go from the balcony. Suddenly, he is attacked by an overwhelming contingent of O-1X’s freewills. The pitched battle moves from lev to lev until, at last, Magnus manages to grab O-1X himself. But Magnus doesn’t kill him; he only wishes to talk rationally. Unfortunately, O-1X feels the time for talk is past. With the battle going against them, the rogues flee.
When Timbuc, Senator Clane, and the security forces arrive, they inform Magnus that he’s under arrest for treason because he allowed O-1X to escape.
Cover l Art Nichols (with Bob Layton)
Traitor l Writer: Jim Shooter l Penciler: Art Nichols l Inker: Bob Layton (with Kathryn Bolinger) l Colorist: Janet Jackson (with Karen Merbaum) l Lettering: Jade Mode l Editor: Don Perlin l 27 pages
Supporting Characters l W-23 (Tekla) l Senator Clane l Leeja Clane l Timbuc l Elzy l O-1X
Other Characters l Colonel Karlus l President Claiburne l General Mimsy l Doctor Teresa Giardino
Cameo Appearances l North Am Security Commander (unnamed)
Steel Nation story arc, Part Three. First appearance of Elzy. W-23 becomes Tekla. This issue contains the following trading cards: Giant Rob From Planet X by Rick Leonardi, Slagger by Michael Golden, and T-1 by Dave Hoover.
As the milespires of North Am burn, security forces fight to defend Central-rob from a rogue freewill attack. It seems that, rather than risk the humans discovering how to spot freewill microtremors, O-1X has launched a preemptive strike against North Am. In the middle of all this strife, security forces seek to arrest Magnus for allowing O-1X to escape when he was in his grasp.
When Magnus is attacked by a security patrol, he is aided by freewill, W-23. But W-23 is cosmetically damaged in the process. W-23 and Magnus hide and realize that they may be the only chance to stop the war between man and robot. W-23 will attempt to reason with O-1X while Magnus will try to talk sense to North Am’s high council. But days without sleep have taken their toll, and Magnus must now rest.
At the council chambers, President Claiburne, Senator Clane, and the others realize that it is only a matter of time before Central-rob falls. Without Central-rob guiding North Am’s worker-robs, the milespires will become non-functional death-traps. Claiburne decides to high-tail it to the Moon before all is lost. But as he leaves, a squad of freewills arrives and assasinates the deserting president. Timbuc, Dr Giardino, and a security squad arrive soon after and destroy the attackers. Dr Giardino has caught on to the freewill microtremors and she has developed eye-gear to discern them from normal robots.
In the Goph levs, Magnus awakens from his rest. W-23 inquires why humans cannot simply accept the freewills. Magnus muses that perhaps it’s because robots don’t look human. Suddenly, W-23 picks up a subetherial summon to all available freewills to join the assault on Central-rob. W-23 will not go and add to the carnage, but Magnus must. As he proceeds toward the elevators out of the Goph levs, Magnus is attacked by Elzy. But once she realizes who he is, she lets him go.
When Magnus arrives at Central-rob, he finds that all normal robots have also been summoned there to help fight the freewills. The resultant battle is vast in scope, with Magnus in the thick of it. At last, the battle ends and Magnus drops unconcious. Magnus reawakens in the hospital. Leeja is there, still worried that there is another woman, when what she senses are Magnus’ thoughts about W-23. But Magnus has at last decided to forsake the soft milespire society he’s always defended. He heads for the goph levs to live as a Goph. As he departs, Leeja is consoled by Timbuc, who also receives Magnus’ medical scans showing the subetherial implant.
Meanwhile, at a North Am wildlife preserve, O-1X and W-23 unearth the body of T-1. Dubbed the "Think-rob", T-1 was powerful enough to override Central-rob commands. Using components from T-l’s body, O-1X hopes to improve his own mind. But, should the repair unit mistakenly transform O-1X back to a normal robot, W-23 is instructed to destroy the freewill leader. Later, Elzy arrives at the preserve with spare parts to sell to the freewills. She finds that W-23 had to shoot O-1X when the repair procedure went wrong. W-23 cannot return to North Am with its current damaged appearance and illegal status. So Elzy creates a new look for W-23 and sends the new-look freewill on its way. Elzy then attempts to salvage O-1X’s inert body. But O-1X reawakens and knocks out Elzy.
Elsewhere on the Goph levs, Magnus goes to rendezvous with W-23 at their secret hiding place. He finds that W-23 now has a silvery, humanoid outer shell that looks remarkably like Leeja. No longer W-23, she now wishes to be called Tekla, after Elzy’s mother. But then, a subetherial message comes from Central-rob. O-1X has taken over the Mainbrain by the power of T-1’s circuits. And, with all of North Am’s robots now at his command, O-1X intends to begin the slaughter of humanity.
MAGNUS ROBOT FIGHTER 04 (September 1991)
Cover l Art Nichols (with Bob Layton)
Savior l Writer: Jim Shooter l Penciler: Art Nichols l Inker: Bob Layton (with Kathryn Bolinger) l Colorist: Janet Jackson (with Karen Merbaum) l Lettering: Jade Mode l Editor: Don Perlin l 27 pages
Supporting Characters l O-1X l Leeja Clane l Timbuc l Tekla l Doctor Teresa Giardino l President Clane l Elzy
Other Characters l D-15
Cameo Appearances l T-1 l E-7
Steel Nation story arc, Part Four. This issue includes the following trading cards: Battle-Rob by Marc Silvestri, Tekla by Bob Layton, and Rai by Art Nichols.
Having usurped Central-rob’s Mainbrain and therefore commanding all of North Am’s robots, O-1X begins the subjugation of humanity. Across North Am, humans are rounded up by the suddenly hostile robot population. And in the Mainbrain chamber itself, the robots debate their plans. D-15 screams to kill all the humans. But Tekla arrives to plead for peace. The other freewills distrust her as she looks humanoid and speaks with inflection. But O-1X allows her to be heard and agrees that while they control North Am, robots should be merciful. But Magnus will not be shown such mercy. D-15 forces Dr Giardino to perform certain modifications to his body in preparation for vengeance on Magnus. Also, Senator Clane is brought before O-1X, who promises to execute one billion humans if Magnus isn’t brought in for justice. Humbled, Clane has no choice but to publicly call for Magnus to surrender.
Shortly, Clane, Leeja, and Timbuc are among the first group scheduled for execution by the robots. Just as they are about to be shot by E-7’s firing squad, Timbuc makes a deal: delay the execution in exchange for information on Magnus’ subetherial tranceiver implant. The robots use this information to set a trap. They send false subetherial messages suggesting that a certain route into Central-rob is unguarded. Taking the bait, Magnus sneaks into Central-rob, only to be ambushed.
Magnus barely escapes into a ventilation duct. Inside, he finds Elzy on her way to attack O-1X. Together, they choose a different route toward the Mainbrain. Meanwhile, Tekla visits Leeja in her cell. Just then, the order comes through to execute Leeja. But Tekla is determined to protect the woman Magnus loves. Nonetheless, Magnus monitors the subetherial message confirming that Leeja has been executed.
Reaching the chamber, Magnus finds that he must now face the redesigned D-15. The body that Dr Giardino provided is almost indestructible. But the captive Dr Giardino is present in the chamber and she shouts for Magnus to strike D-15’s weakly shielded numbered chest-plate. Magnus does so and topples the deadly D-15. As the shocked robot onlookers rush to stop him, Magnus leaps for O-1X and beheads him. The Mainbrain reboots, now free of O-1X’s dominion. All normal robots are commanded to destroy all present freewills. But Magnus will not suffer such carnage to happen. He picks up D-15’s tough corpse and hurls it at the Mainbrain, terminating central control of North Am’s robots. The freewills cannot understand why the Robot Fighter would save them. Even when Timbuc arrives to blast the freewills, Magnus will not permit it.
Later, Magnus and President Clane inspect Leeja’s cell. Leeja’s corpse is nowhere to be seen. There is only a hole in the cell wall leading to a 500-foot drop. Giving up hope of his daughter’s survival, the distraught Clane banishes Magnus from the milespires. Magnus heads for the Goph levs, where Tekla bids him farewell as she goes to provide leadership for the remaining freewills.
When Tekla returns to the wildlife refuge, it is revealed that Leeja’s execution was faked. Leeja wanted to leave the soft society of the milespires to learn strength from the freewills. Perhaps, when she is ready, Leeja will reveal to her loved-ones that she isn’t dead.
And, in a solitary med-rob chamber, Magnus shaves his hair off and has the med-unit remove his subetherial tranceiver implant. No longer the pawn of 1-A or the North Am government, Magnus now walks the Goph lands as a free man.
SOLAR MAN OF THE ATOM 01 (September 1991)
Cover l Barry Windsor-Smith
No Place Like Home (main feature) l Writer: Jim Shooter l Penciler: D. David Perlin l Inker: Bob Layton l Colorist: Kathryn Bolinger l Lettering: Jade Mode l Editor: Bob Layton l 26 pages
Supporting Characters l Doctor Dobson l Gayle Nordheim l Erica Pierce l John Veerhusen
Other Characters (Solar’s homeless friends) l O.D. (Odibe) l Matt l Millie
Cameo Appearances l Rioting Prisoners (unnamed) l Soviet Sailors (unnamed)
Second Death story arc, Part One, first modern appearance of Doctor Phillip Seleski (aka Solar Man Of The Atom). Solar appears only as Doctor Phillip Seleski in this issue.
Phil Seleski hangs in orbit above Earth, unsure how he got here. Slightly disoriented, he makes his way back to his home in Muskogee, Oklahoma. While he is looking for his clothes in the dim apartment, he is surprised by himself walking into the room! The two Phils look at each other, confused. Then, the super-powered Phil leaves. The other, younger looking Phil sits in his apartment, wondering what just happened.
The silver-haired, superhuman Phil dismisses the encounter as an hallucination. He then monitors communications transmissions concerning a prison riot, and he goes to see if he can help. When he intervenes in the prison fighting, one rioter stabs Phil in the back. The nuclear fire within Phil’s body sprays out of the wound, incinerating the attacker. With things not going too well, Phil departs from the prison.
At the Edgewater Fusion Reasearch facility, the "normal" Phil arrives to do some work. He is still shaken from the encounter with his superhuman other self. He even snaps at co-worker Dr Gayle Nordheim, who was only attempting small talk with him.
Over the ocean, Solar/Phil arrives at the spot where the soviet navy is attempting to recover a sunken nuclear sub. He raises the sub himself and delivers it to the puzzled soviets. But when he takes the nuclear missiles out to dispose of them, Phil finds himself being shot at by the sailors. Unaffected, he takes the missiles into orbit and detonates them. Phil returns to Earth to find that the government thinks the blast was a soviet S.D.I. test.
At Edgewater, the normal Seleski tries to confide in Dr Erica Pierce about his recent "hallucination". But Pierce is cold and infers that Phil is unfit to operate the fusion reactor.
On the city streets, super-Phil has befriended a group of homeless people. He’s troubled because he senses that something is wrong, that he is somehow out of place in this world. He is afraid to return home where he had his "hallucination". It is only when he sees the date on a newspaper that he realizes he has somehow travelled back in time. He deaprts immediately for Muskogee.
In Muskogee, the normal Phil confides his hallucination to his psychiatrist friend, John Veerhusen. John merely suggests that Phil relax and not work so hard. When Phil returns home, he finds his silver-haired doppelganger waiting inside. The superhuman warns the frightened physicist that he will kill him, rather than allow him to repeat his mistakes. And then Solar/Phil is gone.
Feeling truly disenfranchised, the superhuman Phil returns to the streets to stay the night with his homeless companions.
Alpha And Omega: Part One (bonus pull-out insert) l Concept: Bob Layton and Jim Shooter l Development: Jim Shooter and Barry Windsor-Smith l Writer: Jim Shooter l Pencil Artist/Storyteller: Barry Windsor-Smith l Inker: Bob Layton l Colorist: Janet Jackson l Lettering: Jade Mode l 8 pages
Featured Character l Doctor Phillip Seleski
Supporting Characters l Doctor Dobson l Erica Pierce l Gayle Nordheim
Alpha And Omega (Solar O) was serialized over the first ten issues of Solar Man Of The Atom as a series of pull-out inserts with each two page centerspread per insert billed as part of one tenth of the world's largest comic book panel. When assembled these panels formed a whopping 26.5 inch by 51.25 inch page which depicted the climax of the serialized story arc. Alpha And Omega, when read in its entirety, serves as The Origin Of Solar Man Of The Atom, and is the prologue story to Solar Man Of The Atom No. 1. A separate text page prefaced the first pull-out insert.
"Once, long ago, there was another Man Of The Atom. Long ago, his day passed. But, a new day is dawning...
MAGNUS ROBOT FIGHTER 05 (October 1991)
Cover l Art Nichols
Goph Rules l Writer: Jim Shooter l Penciler: Paul Creddick l Inker: Bob Layton l Colorist: Janet Jackson l Lettering: Jade Mode l Editor: Don Perlin l 16 pages
Supporting Characters l Doctor Teresa Giardino l President Clane l General Mimsy l Felina l Slagger (Tark Mulko)
Other Characters l Ambassador Shigeru Tsuda l Melany Nugent l BD-8 (freewill)
Invasion story arc, Part One. First appearance of Slagger (Tark Mulko). This issue was VALIANT’s first Flip Book, with Rai No. 1 appearing on the other side. The Invasion story arc continues from Magnus Robot Fighter to Rai in this, and the next four Flip Book isssues. This issue includes the following trading cards: Nadmot by Adam Kubert, The Outsiders by Kevin Nowlan, and Elzy by Josef Rubinstein.
Invasion story arc, Part One. First appearance of Slagger (Tark Mulko). This issue was VALIANT’s first Flip Book, with Rai No. 1 appearing on the other side. The Invasion story arc continues from Magnus Robot Fighter to Rai in this, and the next four Flip Book isssues. This issue includes the following trading cards: Nadmot by Adam Kubert, The Outsiders by Kevin Nowlan, and Elzy by Josef Rubinstein.
Having eaten a meal at a goph establishment, Magnus finds that his account card has been nullified and he is unable to pay. When the Bouncer-robs attempt to take his tunic as payment, Magnus battles them until he is struck from behind by a Freewill.
Meanwhile, in the milespires, the ambassador from Japan arrives in search of Magnus. He finds that Magnus has forsaken the milespires after disabling the Mainbrain. Without its robot work-force, North Am is descending into chaos. But the ambassador maintains that Magnus has done North Am a great service, and he hopes the Robot Fighter will do the same for Japan.
Back at the goph bar, Magnus is ready to dispatch the robot that struck him, when he realizes that it is a Freewill. He lets the angry robot go, and the bar owner dismisses Magnus’ food charges. The bar dancer, Felina, notices that Magnus’ head-wound is bleeding. So she takes him to her quarters to mend him.
Back at the milespires, President Clane, General Mimsy, and Dr Giardino attempt to decide a course of action against the Freewills without Magnus or the Mainbrain. A new Robot Fighter must be found, and there is a Goph who might fit the bill.
At Felina’s, Magnus sleeps while Felina and the Freewill talk. The Freewill knows that when Felina’s boyfriend returns, there will be trouble. But Felina seems to relish the coming fight. The Freewill is grateful that Magnus spared him earlier. When Magnus awakens, the Freewill warns him that Felina’s boyfriend is the toughest goph of them all and that he’ll be returning soon. And in the goph sector known as Gehenna, Mimsy and her troops search for their Robot Fighter candidate even as Ambassador Tsuda and his contingent search for Magnus.
When Magnus drops by the goph bar to pay for the previous evening’s meal, Felina’s boyfriend, Slagger, is there waiting for him. Slagger blindsides Magnus, and the two battle out into the street. At length, Magnus knocks Slagger down and Felina rushes to her boyfriend’s side. Angered that Slagger never visits except when he’s jealous, Felina walks off in a huff. Only then does Slagger act friendly toward Magnus, explaining that he only attacked Magnus to protect his own reputation. That done, the two can have a friendly drink together. Just then, Mimsy arrives to arrest Magnus. But Slagger and the gophs won’t allow it. To compound the situation, Ambassador Tsuda arrives and offers diplomatic asylum to Magnus if he goes to Japan as a “special advisor”. Seeking to avoid a scene with General Mimsy, Magnus agrees. But only after he’s had a drink or two with his new friend, Slagger.
Rai 01 (bonus flip-book)
Cover l David Lapham (with Bob Layton)
Spirit Against The Flesh l Writer: Jim Shooter l Penciler: David Lapham l Inker: Kathryn Bolinger l Colorist: Jade Moede l Lettering: B.K. Joyce l Editor l Don Perlin l 13 pages
Featured Character l Rai (Tohru Nakadai)
Supporting Characters l Rentaro Nakadai l Grandmother l Kazuyo Nakadai
Cameo Appearances l Takashi Nakadai
Invasion story arc, Part Two. This first Rai series (issues 01 thru 04) are the flip side of Magnus Robot Fighter (issue numbers 05 thru 08) complete with their own covers. This story is continued in Magnus Robot Fighter No. 6. Creator credits for this issue are incorrectly listed in the comic book. See Jim Shooter’s column in Rai No. 2. Correct credits are given there. David Lapham’s first published work.
The old Rai, Tohru’s father, is too old to remain Rai. Grandmother brings Tohru to his father where he is told of the coming of Magnus. Reluctantly he accepts the power from his father. He returns to Kazuyo only to discover that she is an Anti-Grannie. After battling her confederates he leaves taking their son with him.
SOLAR MAN OF THE ATOM 02 (October 1991)
Cover l Don Perlin (with Bob Layton)
Out Of My Mind (main feature) l Writer: Jim Shooter l Penciler: D. David Perlin l Inker: Bob Layton (with Tom Ryder) l Colorist: Kathryn Bolinger (with Jorge Gonzalez) l Lettering: Jade Mode l Editor: Bob Layton l 26 pages
Supporting Characters l Doctor Dobson l Dwight l Tammy
Other Characters l O.D. (Odibe) l Matt l Millie l (Solar’s homeless friends) l Holly (Doctor Dobson’s receptionist)
Cameo Appearances l Gayle Nordheim (as a holograph)
Second Death story arc, Part Two, first instance of Solar splitting into separate personas. First modern appearance of Solar in costume.
Phil Seleski sits among his newfound homeless friends, making holographic sculptures of Gayle Nordheim. The vagrants watch in awe. But overnight, Phil remembered that he was responsible for his world’s end. He confesses this to his friends before taking his leave of them.
He flies to the apartment of his pre-Solar counterpart, seeing that Phil Seleski leave for work. He takes a change of clothes and some money, even leaving his other self a note. He then goes to the Edgewater facility to speak with Dr Dobson. He introduces himself as Max Blackwell and attempts to convince Dobson to stop Seleski’s fusion research. But when they’re interrupted, he leaves the office at light-speed.
Phil goes to an abandoned factory, angered by his inability to convince Dobson. Suddenly, he suffers a painful siezure and out from his head springs his childhood comic-book hero, Doctor Solar! Fearful, Phil immediately attacks Solar, but lacks the power to beat him. Phil withdraws to plan a better attack.
Drawn by the disturbance, some kids approach to investigate. One of them, Dwight, befriends Solar and takes him home. There, Solar meets Dwight’s mother, Tainmy, and they all try to figure out just who Solar is and how he came to be. When Dwight recounts to Solar that Phil had mentioned Dobson while raving at the abandoned factory, Solar sets out to find Atom Valley. In Solar’s comic-book world, Atom Valley is where the fusion reactor was located. But Solar finds that in this world, Atom Valley doesn’t exist. Encountering Phil’s homeless friends, Solar transmutes a junk bolt into gold and gives it to them. He proceeds to Phil Seleski’s apartment, spurred by vague memories of his life as Phil. Finding old Doctor Solar comics in the closet, Solar ponders their meaning. Then, "Max Blackwell" (the Phil Seleski from the other world) arrives. He is about to attack when Phil Selsekj returns to his apartment The three stare dumbfounded at each other. Then Solar departs and "Blackwell" borrows some comics to help bait a trap.
Solar tracks Blackwell to Antarctica, believing him to be a super.vjllajn There, he finds Gayle in a cage. But it is a holographic projection made by Blackwell. Blackwell attacks Solar, hoping to reabsorb him. But Solar has recalled the destruction of earth at Blackwell’s hands and he is determined to make the villain pay. He chases Blackwell to the bottom of the ice-pack. There, Blackwell transforms from mass to energy in an attempt to destroy Solar. A major portion of the Antarctic ice-cap is vaporized, but Solar survives.
With no one else to turn to, Solar returns to Tammy and Dwight’s home.
Alpha And Omega: Part Two (bonus pull-out insert) l Concept: Bob Layton and Jim Shooter l Development: Jim Shooter and Barry Windsor-Smith l Writer: Jim Shooter l Pencil Artist/Storyteller: Barry Windsor-Smith l Inker: Bob Layton l Colorist: Janet Jackson l Lettering: Jade Mode l 8 pages
Featured Character l Doctor Phillip Seleski
Supporting Characters l Erica Pierce
Cameo Appearances l Gayle Nordheim
Alpha And Omega (Solar O) was serialized over the first ten issues of Solar Man Of The Atom as a series of pull-out inserts with each two page centerspread per insert billed as part of the world's largest comic book panel. When assembled these panels formed a whopping 26.5 inch by 51.25 inch page which depicted the climax of the serialized story arc. Alpha And Omega, when read in its entirety, serves as The Origin Of Solar Man Of The Atom, and is the prologue story to Solar Man Of The Atom No. 1. A separate title page and a text page prefaced the second pull-out insert.
"In chapter one, the experimental fusion reactor at the Edgewater Fusion Energy Research Center, a.k.a. "the Edge" runs out of control, threatening to erupt into a sun-like fireball that will kill millions.
Doctor Phillip Seleski, the principal designer of the device, realizing that his obsession with unlocking the secrets of fusion has led to catastrophe, races into the containment to attempt to shut the reactor down manually…"
MAGNUS ROBOT FIGHTER 06 (November 1991)
Cover l Paul Creddick (with Bob Layton)
Just Say Noh! l Writer: Jim Shooter l Penciler: David Lapham l Inker: Kathryn Bolinger (with John Holdredge) l Colorist: Knob Row l Lettering: B.K. Joyce l Editor: Janet Jackson l 12 pages
Supporting Characters l Solar l Grandmother l 1-A l Ambassador Shigeru Tsuda
Other Characters l Humanoid Spider Aliens l unnamed members of the Humanist Council
Cameo Appearances l Ninjatron
Just Say Noh! l Writer: Jim Shooter l Penciler: David Lapham l Inker: Kathryn Bolinger (with John Holdredge) l Colorist: Knob Row l Lettering: B.K. Joyce l Editor: Janet Jackson l 12 pages
Supporting Characters l Solar l Grandmother l 1-A l Ambassador Shigeru Tsuda
Other Characters l Humanoid Spider Aliens l unnamed members of the Humanist Council
Cameo Appearances l Ninjatron
Invasion story arc, Part Three. This issue includes the following trading cards: Talpa by Steve Ditko, 1-A by Paris Cullins and Bob Layton, and Magnus by Moebius.
Preparing to depart for Japan, Magnus and Ambassador Tsuda are attacked by a bionic Ninjatron. Magnus defeats the assasin, but is left wondering why Tsuda is marked for death. Arriving in Japan, Magnus is informed that the island-nation is covered by a continuous structure, the Host Body, which is run by a freewill computer, Grandmother. Magnus is taken to a headquarters on a small island where he learns that Tsuda represents the “Anti-Grannie” Humanist movement seeking to overthrow Grandmother. Magnus is not eager to bring to Japan the chaos he wrought in North Am.
That night, Magnus is visited in his chambers by Solar, who hasn’t been seen in over a thousand years. Solar warns Magnus that the Spider Aliens stand ready to reinvade Earth and Grandmother is humanity’s only hope. Magnus must not harm her. Solar departs and Magnus goes to check on the Humanist council.
The Humanists have just received a new weapon, a carcinopod, to use a aginst Grandmother. The weapon will destroy Grandmother’s intellect without damaging the life-support functions within the Host Body.
Meanwhile, 1-A has arrived in Japan. It seems that Grandmother is 1-A’s lover. Grandmother must now inform 1-A that the Anti-grannies have recruited Magnus to help murder her.
And in the Humanist council room, Magnus walks in as the carcinopod is unveiled by its mysterious provider. Magnus suspects that the man and the weapon are actually alien. A battle erupts as Magnus tries to warn the Humanists of the impending alien invasion. But Tsuda will hear none of it, and he runs off with the carcinopod. Making a kamikazee run with a small transport, Tsuda sacrifices himself to deliver the carcinopod into Grandmother’s neural web. Donning a jet-pack, Magnus rushes to the Host Body to see if Grandmother can still be saved.
Rai 02 (bonus flip-book)
Cover l Paul Creddick (with Bob Layton)
Killing Stroke l Writer: Jim Shooter l Penciler: David Lapham l Inker: Kathryn Bolinger l Colorist: Jade Moede l Lettering: Ken Lopez l Editor l Don Perlin l 12 pages
Featured Character l Rai (Tohru Nakadai)
Supporting Characters l Grandmother
Cameo Appearances l Takashi Nakadai
Invasion story arc, Part Four. Flip side of Magnus Robot Fighter No. 6.
Rai is attacked by Grandmother who is impaired by the Alien Carcinopod. He battles her, but to no avail. As he defeats her glitch-robots, Grandmother shuts down. The Alien agents in Japan signal their fleet to begin the attack on Earth.
SOLAR MAN OF THE ATOM 03 (November 1991)
Cover l Barry Windsor-Smith
Reality Check (main feature) l Writer: Jim Shooter l Penciler: D. David Perlin l Inker: Bob Layton (with Tom Ryder) l Colorist: Kathryn Bolinger (with Knob Row) l Lettering: Jade Mode l Editor: Bob Layton l 26 pages
Supporting Characters l Tammy l Dwight l Toyo Harada l Thumper l Puff l Ms. Ando and Mr. Kuramoto (Harbinger administrators) l Erica Pierce
Other Characters l unnamed drive-by gunmen l L.A. Police Officers
Second Death story arc, Part Three.
In L.A., Solar apprehends a group of drive-by gunmen. But when the police arrive, they wish to take Solar in along with the criminals. The cops are further bewildered when the costumed man flies away.
Solar returns to Muskogee, Oklahoma to Tammy and Dwight’s home. He has been staying with the mother and son, trying to figure out just who he is. Through holographic projection, he recounts to them the life of Phil Seleski: how he destroyed his world, then arrived in this one. Having seen Harbinger Foundation ads in the papers, Tammy suggests that Solar check them out. Phoning Harbinger, Solar sets up an appointment for the following day. After the call, Tammy comes on to Solar, even though she has a trucker boyfriend. But Solar isn’t ready for this yet. He spends a quiet evening contemplating his new existence.
The following morning, he visits the Dallas Harbinger complex. He meets with Harbinger executives, Ms Ando and Mr Kuramoto, and displays some of his powers. With his multi-spectral vision, Solar quickly finds that he is being monitored from behind one-way glass walls. He busts his way into the surveillance room and begins reading their computer files. When Puff and Thumper attempt to stop him, a fight breaks out. But the two Eggbreakers cannot match Solar’s power. Solar finds out that Ms Ando is speaking with Harada on the phone. He travels through the phone-airwaves and pops out of Haráda’s cellular phone inside his private jet.
Harada informs Solar that he feels the superhuman is a threat to the planet. He reaches into Solar’s mind and attempts to psionically randomizes Solar’s mind, thus dissipating him. But he fails, Solar fights back, and the plane catches fire and crashes.
Solar assumes that Harada is dead and he returns to Tammy’s house. He tells Tammy that he’s ready for her romantic advances now. Elsewhere in Muskogee, "Max Blackwell" visits Erica Pierce in a local bar. He plans to use her as a pawn against Solar and Seleski. She’s puzzled by his resemblance to Phil, but they start talking physics and leave the bar together.
Alpha And Omega: Part Three (bonus pull-out insert) l Concept: Bob Layton and Jim Shooter l Development: Jim Shooter and Barry Windsor-Smith l Writer: Jim Shooter l Pencil Artist/Storyteller: Barry Windsor-Smith l Inker: Bob Layton l Colorist: Janet Jackson l Lettering: Jade Mode l 8 pages
Featured Character l Doctor Phillip Seleski
Supporting Characters l Doctor Dobson l Jorge
Alpha And Omega (Solar O) was serialized over the first ten issues of Solar Man Of The Atom as a series of pull-out inserts with each two page centerspread per insert billed as part of the world's largest comic book panel. When assembled these panels formed a whopping 26.5 inch by 51.25 inch page which depicted the climax of the serialized story arc. Alpha And Omega, when read in its entirety, serves as The Origin Of Solar Man Of The Atom, and is the prologue story to Solar Man Of The Atom No. 1. A separate title page and text page prefaced the third pull-out insert.
"In chapters one and two, the experimental fusion reactor at the Edgewater Fusion Energy Research Center, a.k.a. "the Edge," threatened to explode, killing millions.
Doctor Phillip Seleski, principal designer of the device, raced into the containment, sacrificing his own life to shut the reactor down manually. Now, moments after the event is stilled, a team of technicians enters to recover Seleski’s remains…"
SOLAR MAN OF THE ATOM 04 (November/December 1991)
Cover l Don Perlin (with Bob Layton)
“…All For One” (main feature) l Writer: Jim Shooter l Penciler: D. David Perlin (with Barry Windsor-Smith and Knob Row) l Inker: Bob Layton (with Tom Ryder) l Colorist: Knob Row l Lettering: B.K. Joyce (with Audra Verde) l Editor: Bob Layton l 26 pages
Supporting Characters l Tammy l Dwight l Erica Pierce l Doctor Dobson l John Veerhusen l Gayle Nordheim
Other Characters l Earl (Tammy’s boyfriend) l Jorge
Cameo Appearances l Sailors on ship l beachcombers l police officer l unnamed female hostage
“…All For One” (main feature) l Writer: Jim Shooter l Penciler: D. David Perlin (with Barry Windsor-Smith and Knob Row) l Inker: Bob Layton (with Tom Ryder) l Colorist: Knob Row l Lettering: B.K. Joyce (with Audra Verde) l Editor: Bob Layton l 26 pages
Supporting Characters l Tammy l Dwight l Erica Pierce l Doctor Dobson l John Veerhusen l Gayle Nordheim
Other Characters l Earl (Tammy’s boyfriend) l Jorge
Cameo Appearances l Sailors on ship l beachcombers l police officer l unnamed female hostage
Second Death story arc, Part Four. This issue has a cover publication month of November but the book was actually published in December 1991 (as indicated in the indicia).
Second Death story arc, Part Four. This issue has a cover publication month of November but the book was actually published in December 1991 (as indicated in the indicia).
Phil Seleski’s Solar persona takes Dwight for a joy-flight high above the kid’s neighborhood. Upon returning home, he levitates Tammy in a romantice embrace. Just then, Tammy’s boyfriend, Earl, walks in after an extended trucking job. Seeing his girl with another man, he angrilly departs. Tammy chases after him remorsefully.
Elsewhere, Seleski’s Max Blackwell persona sits in a motel room with Erica Pierce passed out on the bed. He wanted to use her as a pawn against Solar, but she passed out drunk and he didn’t have it within himself to take advantage of her. Feeling like a failure at being a super-villain, Max leaves the hung-over woman.
Later at the Edgewater facility, Phil Seleski’s fusion reactor is finally activated. The staff decides to go celebrate at a bar, but Seleski stays behind to watch his creation. Eventually, the exhausted Seleski goes home for a nap.
At John Veerhusen’s office, Solar arrives for advice on fitting into this world. Just then, Max Blackwell shows up to warn John about the new reactor. The two superhumans begin a battle which carries them away from the medical center. The fight takes them practically across the state. As they fight high above the Earth, Solar and BlacJcwell notice the flash caused by the Edgewater reactor’s explosion. They cease fighting and fly to the scene, even as Seleski races back from his home to see what went wrong. Within the smoking containment building, Blackwell and Solar resume their fight. Blackwell incapacitates Solar and explains that Solar is the child-like, altruistic component of Phil Seleski. Max Blackwell is the cynical, dark side of Seleski. They must recombine if they are to stop the reactor explosion. And they must merge with the Phil Seleski of this reality if they are to regain their lost humanity. The two superhumans then become one. And, just as in the previous history’s nuclear accident, Phil Seleskj arrives in the containment building to fall into the fiery core. But this time he merges with the waiting superhuman. One being, at last, Phil Seleski extinguishes the Edgewater reactor by the power of his godlike will. When the others arrive, they find Seleski and the unconcious Erica Pierce inside the mysteriously radiation-free containment chamber.
Later, Phil visits with John Veerhusen to discuss the whole episode. Phil fooled the authorities into thinking he is normal. But he still retains the powers of Solar. He also telephones Tammy and is pleased to hear that she and Earl got back together. And so, Big John as his only confidant, Phil faces a future of being a god who wants to live as a man.
Alpha And Omega: Part Four (bonus pull-out insert) l Concept: Bob Layton and Jim Shooter l Development: Jim Shooter and Barry Windsor-Smith l Writer: Jim Shooter l Pencil Artist/Storyteller: Barry Windsor-Smith l Inker: Bob Layton l Colorist: Janet Jackson l Lettering: Jade Mode l 8 pages
Featured Character l Doctor Phillip Seleski
Supporting Characters l Doctor Dobson l Jorge l Erica Pierce
Alpha And Omega (Solar O) was serialized over the first ten issues of Solar Man Of The Atom as a series of pull-out inserts with each two page centerspread per insert billed as part of the world's largest comic book panel. When assembled these panels formed a whopping 26.5 inch by 51.25 inch page which depicted the climax of the serialized story arc. Alpha And Omega, when read in its entirety, serves as The Origin Of Solar Man Of The Atom, and is the prologue story to Solar Man Of The Atom No. 1. A separate title page and text page prefaced the fourth pull-out insert.
"In the first three chapters, Doctor Phillip Seleski of the Edgewater Fusion Energy Research Center risked his own life to shut down a dangerously out-of-control experimental reactor of his own design. Though he should have died inside the containment, somehow, miraculously, he survived. It quickly became apparent, however, that he had been changed by the fiery confluence of nuclear forces. Now, in the laboratory, his fellow scientists probe the phenomenon of his existence…and his bizarre new phisiology…”
MAGNUS ROBOT FIGHTER 07 (December 1991)
Cover l David Lapham (with Bob Layton)
The Ballad Of East And West l Writer: Jim Shooter (with Laura Hitchcock) l Penciler: Mark Moretti l Inker: Ernie Colon l Colorist: Knob Row l Lettering: Ken Lopez l Editor: Janet Jackson l 14 pages
Supporting Characters l Rai l Grandmother l 1-A l Grand-One (Kimi, 1-A)
Cameo Appearances l Japanese Boy
Invasion story arc, Part Five. This issue includes the following trading cards: Mogul Baldur by Mike Harris, Leeja Clane and Zeramiah Clane by Alan Weiss, and Mekman by Jose Delbo.
While chaos and destruction reign in the Host Body of Japan, Magnus does his best to help the people. Taking a nerve path to the skull dome, Magnus finds Rai grieving over Grandmother’s death. Rai immediately assumes that Magnus was responsible, as Grandmother warned that the Robot Fighter had been recruited by the Humanists. But Magnus points out the remnants of the carcinopod as the true culprit in Grandmother’s downfall. With certain death awaiting those trapped within the Host Body, and an alien invasion fleet on the way, Rai decides to get his son and flee Japan. Magnus stays in the skull dome to see if he can somehow repair Grandmother.
Presently, 1-A arrives in the skull dome. Using 1-A’s power/personality core, an attempt is made to reboot Grandmother. At first, it seems a failure, but then Grandmother’s immobile body reanimates. Magnus discovers that, with 1-A’s circuits merged with Grandmother, the two Freewills are effectively married into one entity. Across the Host Body, life-support systems come back on line. Grand-One can now help turn back the arriving invasion fleet, but one of Grand-One’s arms was lost in the earlier death-throes. Without it, the Host Body cannot be brought to offensive action. Magnus must take a special energy key to the connection point of the Host Body’s analogous arm and effectively amputate the massive extremity.
Magnus rushes to the junction point. But before he can use the key, he is tackled by Rai. It seems that Rai’s son is within the arm to be amputated and will surely die if Magnus carries out his mission. Rai askes that Magnus give him ten minutes to find his son, but Magnus refuses. So Rai breaks the special key and continues on to seek his son.
Rai 03 (bonus flip-book)
Cover l David Lapham (with Bob Layton)
Small Sacrifice l Writer: Jim Shooter l Penciler: David Lapham l Inker: Kathryn Bolinger (with Jon Holdredge) l Colorist: Jade Moede l Lettering: Ken Lopez l Editor l Janet Jackson l 14 pages
Featured Character l Rai (Tohru Nakadai)
Supporting Characters l Kazuyo Nakadai l Grandmother l Solar 4001
Cover l David Lapham (with Bob Layton)
Small Sacrifice l Writer: Jim Shooter l Penciler: David Lapham l Inker: Kathryn Bolinger (with Jon Holdredge) l Colorist: Jade Moede l Lettering: Ken Lopez l Editor l Janet Jackson l 14 pages
Featured Character l Rai (Tohru Nakadai)
Supporting Characters l Kazuyo Nakadai l Grandmother l Solar 4001
Other Characters l Chien-Lung l Ch’in l Teruomi
Cameo Appearances l Takashi Nakadai
Invasion story arc, Part Six. Flip side of Magnus Robot Fighter No. 7.
Invasion story arc, Part Six. Flip side of Magnus Robot Fighter No. 7.
The Anti-Grannies realize that they have been betrayed by their "arms dealer". Kazuyo goes off in search of him. Ch’in dons the Commando-Class X-O War Armor and overpowers her. Rai and Magnus fight over the best course of action. Solar engages the Alien armada. Rai is persuaded by Magnus to sever the paralyzed limb of Japan. Grandmother enters fight mode and Japan lifts into space to battle the Alien armada.
MAGNUS ROBOT FIGHTER 08 (January 1992)
Cover l David Lapham (with Bob Layton)
Enter The Dragon l Writer: Jim Shooter (with Laura Hitchcock) l Penciler: Mark Moretti l Inker: Tom Ryder (with Jon Holdredge) l Colorist: Knob Row l Lettering: Ken Lopez l Editor: Janet Jackson l 12 pages
Supporting Characters l Rai l Grand-One (Kimi, 1-A) l Solar l Kazuyo Nakadai
Other Characters l Ch'in and Chien-Lung (humanoid Spider Aliens)
Cameo Appearances l Takashi Nakadai l Spider Aliens
Invasion story arc, Part Seven. This issue includes the following trading cards: Bunda The Great by Bob Hall, Doctor Lazlo Noel by Bret Blevins, and Malev-6 by Adam Hughes.
Rising up from the ocean like some impossibly huge dragon, the Host Body of Japan prepares to repel the Spider Alien invasion fleet. Within the skull dome, Grand-One controls the attack from cybernetic command module. And throughout the Host Body, the people of Japan are held in safety harnesses to shield them from battle impacts. Preparing for the battle, Magnus and Rai don personal force-field generators that can protect them from even the void of space.
At last, the battle is on. The Host Body opens fire with follicle guns, crushing claws, and a devastating oral plasma-cannon. Noticing that Solar has joined the fray, Magnus and Rai leave the Host Body to help the Man of the Atom. They save the weakened Solar from a contingent of X-O warriors and take him back to the Host Body.
Nearby, in a Spider jump-ship, two humanoid spider warriors rush to join the battle with their captive: Rai’s wife, Kazuyo. One of the warriors prepares to put on his Commando-class armor, But first he will feed on Kazuyo’s blood. However, Kazuyo has been playing possum. She conceals a shard of glass that she has cut her bonds with, and when the warrior gets near, she stabs him in the brain and takes his Ignition Ring. With the armor, Kazuyo tears out of the jump-ship and returns to the severed limb of the Host Body. Therein, she finds her son, Takashi, drowning in the incoming seawater. She resucitates him just in time.
Meanwhile, in the battling Host Body, Magnus and Rai have brought the unconcious Solar to safety. Suddenly, the message comes in that a squad of alien warriors have penetrated the skull dome. Rai rushes through the nerve web while Magnus follows in a vascar to help save Grand-One. But Magnus arrives to find Grand-One menaced, and Rai being overpowered.
Rai 04 (bonus flip-book)
Cover l Uncredited
Supernova l Writer: Jim Shooter l Penciler: David Lapham l Inker: Kathryn Bolinger (with Maria Beccari) l Colorist: Knob Row l Lettering: Joseph Daniello l Editor l Janet Jackson l 13 pages
Featured Character l Rai (Tohru Nakadai)
Supporting Characters l Magnus l Grand-One (Kimi, 1-A) l Solar 4001 l Kazuyo Nakadai
Cover l Uncredited
Supernova l Writer: Jim Shooter l Penciler: David Lapham l Inker: Kathryn Bolinger (with Maria Beccari) l Colorist: Knob Row l Lettering: Joseph Daniello l Editor l Janet Jackson l 13 pages
Featured Character l Rai (Tohru Nakadai)
Supporting Characters l Magnus l Grand-One (Kimi, 1-A) l Solar 4001 l Kazuyo Nakadai
Other Characters l Spider Aliens
Cameo Appearances l Takashi Nakadai
Invasion story arc, Part Eight. This flip-book's cover was a continuous wrap-around cover. Apparent death of Solar 4001. Flip side of Magnus Robot Fighter No. 8.
Magnus and Rai defend the Skull Dome from an Alien boarding party. The Aliens gain an upper hand in silencing the Host Body’s mouth-cannon. But Solar replaces the damaged weapon with his own plasma-shooting power. The resultant plasma barrage vaporizes half the invading fleet. He pursues the rest of the fleet into space as it flees and destroys it in a huge explosion. It is inferred that Solar himself perishes in the blast. Grandmother (now combined with 1-A and renamed Grand-One) announces that Japan, with one limb missing, can never return to Earth. Grand-One further announces his/her/its intention to leave Japan to decide its own fate. Rai bids Magnus farewell as well.
HARBINGER 0 (February 1993)
Cover l David Lapham (with Terry Austin)
The Beginning l Writer: David Lapham l Penciler: David Lapham l Inker: Kathryn Bolinger l Colorist: Jorge Gonzalez l Lettering: Joe Albelo l Editor: Bob Layton l 16 pages
Featured Characters l Pete Stanchek l Kris Hathaway l Toyo Harada
Supporting Characters l Joe Iron l Rachel Hopson
Other Characters l Mrs. Stanchek l Eel l Weasel l Todd Bevins (Harbinger administrator) l Ms. Ando (Harbinger administrator)
This issue was available by mail in exchange for coupons in the first six issues of Harbinger. The six coupons told 'The Story Of Harada'. An additional printing came as a free addition to the polybagged Harbinger Trade Paperback. The mail away edition is commonly referred to as Harbinger Pink and the polybagged edition as Harbinger Blue. Both versions show a publication year date of 1992 on the cover although the indicia lists the publication month and year date inside the Pink edition as February 1993. The polybagged edition has no indicia.
With his awesome Harbinger powers just beginning to manifest themselves, Pete Stanchek answers the Harbinger Foundation advertisement in his local paper. He is contacted by Rachel Hopson of the Harbinger Foundation who arranges to have Pete visit the Pittsburgh office. Later, Pete uses his power to silence his nagging mother and to coerce Kiis Hathaway into accepting a date with him.
After school, Rachel and the Eggbreakers, Eel and Weasel, pick up Pete and take him to the Pittsburgh office. There, Pete first meets Toyo Harada. Recognizing Pete’s potential, Harada recruits the boy for Harbinger.
Later, Pete’s best friend, Joe Iron, tells Pete that his association with Harbinger has changed him for the worse. But the Rachel, Eel, and Weasel roughly separate the boys and keep Pete in the program. However, Joe’s admonishing plants a seed of doubt in Pete’s mind. He wonders if he shouldn’t quit the Harbinger program. Realizing Joe’s destabilizing influence, Harada has Joe murdered.
Meanwhile, Pete is getting intimate with Kris when he releases his psionic hold on her. Feeling violated, Kris orders Pete to stay away. Pete goes to Joe’s house and finds his best friend’s body.
Pete returns to Harbinger, but is suspicious of the organization. Harada therefore determines that Pete must die rather than risk losing control of the boy. Pete reconciles with Kris and asks her to come get him from Harbinger. She goes to pick him up, but is intercepted by Weasel and Eel. Meanwhile, Rachel visits Pete in his room. She attempts to shoot him in the back of the head. Subconsciously he lashes out with his power, killing Rachel and wiping Out most of the building in the process.
After the event, Harada and Ms. Ando review what happened. Pete was shot in the head, but his unconscious power not only saved him, but allowed him to save Kris from Eel and Weasel. Harada determines that Pete’s weakness must be found and then Pete must die.
HARBINGER 01 (January 1992)
Cover l David Lapham (with Bob Layton)
Children Of The Eighth Day l Writer: Jim Shooter l Penciler: David Lapham l Inker: John Dixon l Colorist: Janet Jackson (with Knob Row) l Lettering: John Costanza l Editor: Janet Jackson l 30 pages
Featured Characters l Pete Stanchek (Sting) l Kris Hathaway l Faith Herbert (Zephyr/Zepplin) l Charlene Dupre (Flamingo) l John Torkelson (Torque)
Supporting Characters l Weasel l Eel l Lump l Thumper
Other Characters l Todd Bevins (Harbinger administrator) l Mrs. Herbert
Pete and Kris are pursued by a Harbinger helicopter. Pete forces the chopper to land. By then, Lump, Weasel, and Eel have caught up to the fugitive kids. But they lack the power to deal with Pete, who tosses Kris’ car on Lump and flies away with Kris.
Pete and Kris get a motel room and rest. They then break into a post office and intercept Harbinger Foundation mail so as to save others from falling into Harbinger’s clutches. Reading Faith Herbert’s letter, they decide to pay her a visit.
Faith turns out to be a nerdy recluse living in a fan-boy fantasy world. Pete psionically scans her but detects nothing unusual. However, this intrusion activates Faith’s latent Harbinger talent. Pete and Kris leave, somewhat disappointed, only to be followed by Faith, who is flying!
The three depart to seek more Harbingers and find that they cannot return to their motel room. The police are there in pursuit of the postal thieves. They spend the night in an abandoned van. When the girls start bickering, Pete psionically silences them. This only infuriates Kris who promises to kill Pete should he force his way into her mind again. Faith decides to nickname Pete "Sting" because his mind-probing hurts.
The trio proceed to a Harbinger location in Atlanta. Pete goes in to ransack the files and meets Charlene Dupre, nicknamed Flamingo. Charlene is visiting Harbinger for the first time, but Pete talks her out of it before she’s even in the office. He then forces his way in and steals their files on possible Harbingers at large.
Pete and Flamingo rejoin Faith and Kris. Flamingo reveals that her Harbinger power is heat generation. There is an instant female rivalry between Flamingo and Kris. Checking the stolen files, they decide to visit John Torkelson, nicknamed Torque.
In Decatur, Georgia, the kids visit Torque. He treats them rudely and they almost give up him. But Flamingo convinces him to join them. Pete doesn’t think Torque’s a Harbinger, though, and he refuses to join in the group’s cook-out that evening. While he’s away, Kris and Flamingo start fighting for Torque’s affection. Only Pete’s arrival ends the conflict. Pete then forces his way into Torque’s mind hoping toexpose the big guy as a Harbinger Foundation spy. He finds that Torque is on the level. But he has activated Torque’s latent ability. Angry about being mind-probed, Torque easily hefts his car up to crush Pete. But he realizes what he is doing and, overwhelmed by this entire experience, sets the car down. Suddenly the group hears approaching choppers.
Pete is suddenly incapacitated by an unseen Harbinger. The Eggbreaker, Thumper drops down from the Harbinger chopper overhead along with dozens of Harbinger troops. in the ensuing battle, Faith, now nicknamed Zepplin, finds the Harbinger incapacitating Pete up in the chopper. She breaks his hold on Pete. Pete then quickly routs the attackers. But Kris has been shot and the group must rush her to a hospital.
SOLAR MAN OF THE ATOM 05 (January 1992)
Cover l Barry Windsor-Smith
Confrontation (main feature) l Writer: Jim Shooter l Penciler: Ernie Colon l Inker: Ian Akin l Colorist: Knob Row l Lettering: Audra Verde l Editor: Bob Layton l 24 pages
Supporting Characters l Doctor Dobson l Doctor Rusk (Spider Alien) l John Veerhusen l Gayle Nordheim
Other Characters l Erica Pierce l Mrs. Veerhusen
First Strike story arc, Part One. First appearance of the Spider Aliens.
Phil Seleski uses his powers to repair a sensor conduit in the Edgewater reactor’s containment building. He then proceeds to a staff meeting where Dr Dobson introduces the new resident N~C monitor, Dr Rusk. Phil notices that Rusk gives off no background radiation, so he examines him on other spectra and sees that Rusk’s skeletal structure isn’t even human! Phil says nothing, but goes to tell his friend, John Veerhusen, of the strange Dr Rusk. Then, Phil remembers that the fire in which he gained fame as the "fireproof man" will occur tonight. It is odd for him to re-experience events from his previous life before he destroyed the world. But this time he doesn’t perform a flashy rescue. Instead, he braces the burning house with his powers until the firemen rescue those trapped within. No one sees Phil’s intervention and thus he escapes the notoriety that contributed to his downfall.
The next day, Phil surreptitiously follows Dr Rusk to an Orb Industries facility near chicago. Finding that there are others like Rusk there, Solar enters among them. They immediately attack, displaying inhuman strength and behaviour. When they find they cannot beat him, they tell Solar that they are benevolent aliens, like "E.T.". But Solar is unconvinced.
He travels through the alien communications system to their base in Peru. He finds that the aliens have different body configurations, ranging from human to spider-like. But Solar’s analysis is interrupted as the aliens open fire on him with energy-eating projectiles. He is so grieviously depleted that he retreats to the Edgewater Facility to recharge. Once there, he is seen by Gayle Nordheim, who mistakes him for coworker Jorge in the darkness. Gayle lets slip that she and Jorge have had intimate relations before she realizes that she’s speaking to Phil Seleski. He dismisses her and is almost as disturbed by Gayte and Jorge’s tryst as he is by his imminent demise. But as he is about to recharge himself with the fissionable materials in the reactor vault, Phil is attacked by Rusk. He manages to make it in the vault and re-emerges as powerful as ever. He beats Rusk, and even tears his arm off. But they are disturbed by Gayle, who’s investigating the ruckus. Rusk escapes while Gayle is overcome at the sight of Solar holding the severed arm. She quickly realizes that Solar is Seleski and he departs in a flash of light.
Solar makes a quick stop by John Veerhusen’s home and tells him what happened. He tells John that some of the alien communications beams led to a fleet near Saturn. He will go to confront them now and wants someone else to know before he leaves. And with that, Solar departs for Saturn.
Alpha And Omega: Part Five (bonus pull-out insert) l Concept: Bob Layton and Jim Shooter l Development: Jim Shooter and Barry Windsor-Smith l Writer: Jim Shooter l Pencil Artist/Storyteller: Barry Windsor-Smith l Inker: Bob Layton l Colorist: Janet Jackson l Lettering: Jade Mode l 8 pages
Featured Character l Doctor Phillip Seleski
Supporting Characters l Doctor Dobson l Erica Pierce l Gayle Nordheim
Alpha And Omega (Solar O) was serialized over the first ten issues of Solar Man Of The Atom as a series of pull-out inserts with each two page centerspread per insert billed as part of the world's largest comic book panel. When assembled these panels formed a whopping 26.5 inch by 51.25 inch page which depicted the climax of the serialized story arc. Alpha And Omega, when read in its entirety, serves as The Origin Of Solar Man Of The Atom, and is the prologue story to Solar Man Of The Atom No. 1. A separate title page and text page prefaced the fourth pull-out insert.
"In previous chapters, Doctor Phillip Seleski was transformed by a fiery confluence of forces beyond ken in the heart of an experimental fusion reactor into something far more than human.
Since the event, he has been kept in special quarters of the laboratory where he works, as his fellow scientists probe the enigma of his existence…"
Since the event, he has been kept in special quarters of the laboratory where he works, as his fellow scientists probe the enigma of his existence…"
MAGNUS ROBOT FIGHTER 09 (February 1992)
Cover l Mark Moretti (with Bob Layton)
The Rise l Writer: Jim Shooter (with Laura Hitchcock) l Penciler: Ernie Colon l Inker: Kathryn Bolinger (with Ted Halsted) l Colorist: Knob Row l Lettering: Jade Moede l Editor: Janet Jackson l 24 pages
Supporting Characters l Slagger l Felina l Leeja l Tekla l E-7 l Xyrkol
Other Characters l President Clane l General Mimsy l Doctor Pincus
Cameo Appearances l Pol Robs
The Xyrkol Trilogy story arc, Part One. First appearance of Freewill city of Synchron.
Magnus returns to North Am from Japan. Security forces try to arrest him but Slagger intervenes and lets Magnus go. Magnus then heads to the Goph Levs. In Yosemite Park the Rogues are building a city for their kind, Synchron. Leeja, assisting Tekla, is believed by her father, President Clane, to have been kidnapped. General Mimsy orders Slagger to Synchron but he refuses and she has him psychoprobed. Magnus is then sent to rescue Leeja but must first battle E-7 and his minions. Tekia halts the battle and Leeja informs Magnus that she is staying voluntarily. Magnus reports this to President Clane who has Magnus arrested and sent to be psycho-probed. The Senate of North Am votes to wage war on Synchron. They fire the Hadron Cannon at the robot city but only manage to enrage E-7.
Cover l Mark Moretti (with Bob Layton)
The Rise l Writer: Jim Shooter (with Laura Hitchcock) l Penciler: Ernie Colon l Inker: Kathryn Bolinger (with Ted Halsted) l Colorist: Knob Row l Lettering: Jade Moede l Editor: Janet Jackson l 24 pages
Supporting Characters l Slagger l Felina l Leeja l Tekla l E-7 l Xyrkol
Other Characters l President Clane l General Mimsy l Doctor Pincus
Cameo Appearances l Pol Robs
The Xyrkol Trilogy story arc, Part One. First appearance of Freewill city of Synchron.
Magnus returns to North Am from Japan. Security forces try to arrest him but Slagger intervenes and lets Magnus go. Magnus then heads to the Goph Levs. In Yosemite Park the Rogues are building a city for their kind, Synchron. Leeja, assisting Tekla, is believed by her father, President Clane, to have been kidnapped. General Mimsy orders Slagger to Synchron but he refuses and she has him psychoprobed. Magnus is then sent to rescue Leeja but must first battle E-7 and his minions. Tekia halts the battle and Leeja informs Magnus that she is staying voluntarily. Magnus reports this to President Clane who has Magnus arrested and sent to be psycho-probed. The Senate of North Am votes to wage war on Synchron. They fire the Hadron Cannon at the robot city but only manage to enrage E-7.
X-O MANOWAR 01 (February 1992)
Cover l Bob Layton
Into The Fire l Writer: Jim Shooter (with Steve Englehart) l Breakdowns: Barry Windsor-Smith l Finishes: Bob Layton (with Jon Holdredge) l Colorist: Jorge Gonzalez l Lettering: Jade Moede l Editor: Don Perlin l 29 pages
Supporting Characters l Lydia l Ken
Other Characters l Maria l Prather l Malachai l Aristedes
Cameo Appearances l Spider Aliens
Cameo Appearances l Spider Aliens
First appearance of Aric.
Having escaped from confinement aboard a Spider Alien starship, Aric the Visigoth fights the blood-sucking creatures that captured him. He was given a map by a mysterious benefactor that tells the path to the X-O Armor Chamber. Unknown to Aric, the ship he is inside of is under attack by Solar--hence the confusion that allowed him to escape his cell. Aric fights his way to the armor. His barbarian mind cannot comprehend what the floating carapace might be used for. Nonetheless, following the Map-Giver’s instructions, he dons the armor’s Ignition Ring. Suddenly, the armor wraps around Aric like a second skin. The attacking alien’s ion blasts are turned aside by this skin. "This is a Good Skin", Aric thinks to himself.
By the power of this "Good Skin", an X-O Manowar-Class Armor, Aric destroys the starship and falls to Earth. Landing unscathed in Peru, Aric casts aside the Good Skin and wanders away, the Ignition Ring still on his hand. He happens upon some rural natives who take him in and feed him.
In New York, Lydia the Spider Alien discusses the situation with her associates. They must retrieve the X-O Armor and the Ring from Aric.
In Peru, Aric has befriended the natives, in particular a girl named Maria. Aric goes into town one day. He returns to find that the Spider Aliens have slain everyone, including Maria. They have left a message for him to surrender the Ring. But Aric knows they fear him. And if they fear him, then he can beat them. But he must find the Good Skin first!
Elsewhere, Lydia plots a trap to ensnare Aric. Meanwhile, Aric fights a guerrilla war as he encounters the aliens throughout the jungles of Peru. At last he wanders into a town where he is attacked by a Spider Alien warrior. Though bitten deeply, he easily slays the alien. Obviously out of his element, Aric is approached by tourist Ken Clarkson. Ken leads Aric back to his room where he tends to Aric’s wounds and bathes him. Knowing that someone is after Aric, Ken arranges for them both to leave Peru.
They land in New York. Ken secretly contacts Lydia to inform her of their arrival. It turns out that Ken was sent by Lydia herself to lure Aric here. But Ken finds that Aric now wishes to part company. Aric gives Ken a bear-hug farewell. He knows that Ken is homosexual, but to Aric such things are irrelevant.
Ken has treated him as a friend. Moved by Aric’s friendship, Ken regrets his complicity with the aliens. Ken tries to help Aric escape the trap he helped engineer.
But the aliens sense Ken’s betrayal and they attack. An alien plasma bolt severs Ken’s left arm at the elbow. Under fire, Aric summons the Armor with his Ring. And from its holding place at the Spider Alien base, the Good Skin comes! Reunited with the Good Skin, Aric lays waste to his alien attackers. Standing over the injured Ken, Aric begins to realize the full measure of his power. With the Good Skin, Aric rules!
HARBINGER 02 (February 1992)
Cover l David Lapham (with Bob Layton)
The Root Of All Evil l Writer: Jim Shooter l Penciler: David Lapham l Inker: John Dixon l Colorist: Janet Jackson (with Maria Beccari and Knob Row) l Lettering: John Costanza l Editor: Janet Jackson l 24 pages
Featured Characters l Pete Stanchek (Sting) l Kris Hathaway l Faith Herbert (Zephyr/Zepplin) l Charlene Dupre (Flamingo) l John Torkelson (Torque)
Supporting Characters l Doctor Lawrence Heyward l Toyo Harada l Rock l Sparrow l Swallow l Weasel
Other Characters l Todd Bevins (Harbinger administrator) l Mrs. Herbert
The kids are at the hospital trying to get treatment for Kris’ gunshot wounds. Impatient with the red tape of admitting her for treatment, Sting attempts to force Dr. Heyward to help Kris. But this will not work, so Sting telekinetically removes the bullets himself. Heyward then treats her for shock until Kris stabilizes. With Harbinger forces searching for them, the kids must leave quickly. Eager to learn more about them, Heyward offers them his car for the getaway and his house as a temporary haven.
Later, Heyward joins them at his Savannah, Georgia home. Zepplin sneaks back to the site where Kris was shot to retrieve personal items she left behind. However, she is nearly captured by Harbinger troops waiting there. Following Zepplin, Sting arrives to save her. He reads the troopers’ minds and gleans the location of an East Point,Ga Harbinger base. Sting and Zepplin go there and find it is only a clothing factory supplying Harbinger uniforms. But they do find the location of Harbinger World Headquarters. Taking some of the costumes for their own use, the pair departs to rejoin the others in Savannah.
Outfitting themselves with team uniforms, the kids go to the New York Harbinger headquarters only to find Harbinger troops waiting them along with some Eggbreakers and Harada himself. Harada attempts to sedate the team with his psionic powers, but Peter counters with his own abilities. The team actually drives the Harbinger Foundation forces away. They steal a large sum of money from a vault in the facility and depart to rejoin Kris in Savannah.
SOLAR MAN OF THE ATOM 06 (February 1992)
Cover l Barry Windsor-Smith
Massacre (main feature) l Writer: Jim Shooter l Penciler: Don Perlin l Inker: Stan Drake l Colorist: Knob Row l Lettering: Audra Verde l Editor: Bob Layton l 24 pages
Supporting Characters l Ettice Cunningham l Alien Spokespersons (unnamed)
Other Characters l The "Solar Squad" (unnamed human captives)
First Strike story arc, Part Two.
In orbit around Saturn, Solar surveys the hundreds of thousands of massive Spider Alien ships. He is wondering what to do when a Commando-class X-O warrior comes out to confront him. Solar smashes the warrior with rocks from Saturn’s rings, then follows the injured alien inside the craft.
Inside, Solar scans the craft, noting that it appears to have been grown, not built. Then, Solar sees through a bulkhead and spots a human. He discovers that it is a woman, Ettice Cinnungham, held prisoner for use as food. They are soon attacked by alien warriors who try to bite Solar. Knowing that the aliens feed on humans, Solar feels nothing now but hatred for them. He frees the other captives aboard the ship and leads them to the rain forest Sanctuary at the heart of the ship. There, the wretched captives bathe and eat fruit from the trees, gaining morale even as they wonder if Solar is God. They also wonder why the aliens don’t attack them in the Sanctuary. Solar theorizes that the forest is somehow essential to the ship and the aliens won’t risk damaging it by attacking them there.
Having regained their strength, the "Solar Squad" begin attacking the aliens throughout the ship. With the liberated captives armed with captured weapons, Solar leaves them to find the ship’s bridge. There, he finds three humanoid aliens who explain that the Spider Aliens are deeply religious and hold things green and growing to be sacred. When the humans ate the fruit and burned the wood, they commited the most horrific sin imaginable to the Spiders. Therefore, they must be punished. And with that, the Spider Alien spokesperson presses a button that opens a section of the ship’s hull, sucking the "Solar Squad" out to their deaths in space. The aliens think Solar will realize that, with many more human captives as hostages, the aliens have the upper hand. Instead, Solar knows these hostages are as good as dead. And he begins to systematically wipe out the alien Saturn fleet.
Featured Character l Doctor Phillip Seleski
Supporting Characters l Doctor Dobson l Erica Pierce l Gayle Nordheim
Alpha And Omega (Solar O) was serialized over the first ten issues of Solar Man Of The Atom as a series of pull-out inserts with each two page centerspread per insert billed as part of the world's largest comic book panel. When assembled these panels formed a whopping 26.5 inch by 51.25 inch page which depicted the climax of the serialized story arc. Alpha And Omega, when read in its entirety, serves as The Origin Of Solar Man Of The Atom, and is the prologue story to Solar Man Of The Atom No. 1. A separate title page and text page prefaced the fourth pull-out insert.
"In previous chapters, Doctor Phillip Seleski was transformed into something far more human by a fiery confluence of forces beyond ken in the eart of a fusion reactor.
Since the event, he has been kept in special quarters at the laboratory where he works, as his fellow scientists probe the enigma of his existence. They have learned that he can manipulate energy, and has vast reserves of energy in his body. But neither they, nor he yet suspect the true, godlike extent of his power..."
Cover l Mark Moretti (with Bob Layton)
Freedom’s End! l Writer: Jim Shooter (with Fred Pierce) l Penciler: Mark Moretti l Inker: Tom Ryder (with Ted Halsted) l Colorist: Maurice Fontenot (with Knob Row) l Lettering: Brad Joyce l Editor: Don Perlin l 24 pages
Supporting Characters l Xyrkol l Leeja l E-7 l Tekla l President Clane
Other Characters l Doctor Pincus l Felina l General Mimsy l Slagger l Doctor Giardino
The Xyrkol Trilogy story arc, Part Two.
As Doctors Pincus and Beale prepare to psycho-probe Magnus, hyper-missiles from Syndhron destroy the Great Lakes Power Complex in a retaliatory strike. Magnus escapes to the Goph Levs as North Am loses all power. A desperate President Clane accepts assistance from Xyrkol in the form of an alternate power source. He then has Xyrkol de-probed so that he might devise a weapon to destroy Synchron. Xyrkol, freed of his mental conditioning, subdues Magnus and prepares to conquer all of North Am.
X-O MANOWAR 02 (March 1992)
Cover l Barry Windsor-Smith (with Bob Layton)
Kingdom Come! l Writer: Jim Shooter (with Steve Englehart) l Penciler: Sal Velluto l Inker: Tom Ryder (with Bob Layton and Kathryn Bolinger) l Colorist: Jorge Gonzalez (with Knob Row) l Lettering: Ken Lopez l Editor: Jim Shooter l 26 pages
Supporting Characters l Ken l Lydia l Prather l Aristedes
Other Characters l Bev l Spider Aliens
Aric’s takeover of Orb Industries.
Aric battles an 8-legged Spider Alien in Wolf-Class Armor. Unable to fully utilize his Manowar Class Armor, the barbarian still defeats the alien. Seeing that Aric lacks true understanding of his Goodskin, Lydia resolves that he can still be defeated by her treachery.
The injured Ken has Aric take him to a friends house. Ken’s friend, Bev is still trying to figure out just what is going on when the aliens attack the house. While Asic cuts down the invaders, Ken is abducted by still more of the Spiders. Aric follows, leaving Bev with a ruined home and several smouldering alien corpses.
Aric follows Ken’s trail. Along the way, he demolishes an alien base in Pennsylvania. Tracking his approach, Lydia sets up a final stratagem at her Chrysler Building headquarters. Meanwhile, Ken is being transfered to an alien food-storage cell. But he seizes an alien weapon and fights for his freedom.
Aric arrives in New York to find the Chrysler building guarded by aliens in roman tunics. To the Visigoth, his enemies’ costumes make sense and he storms the"castle" they defend. He reaches the alien "throne room" where he slays Lydia’s top-ranking associate. Lydia submissively treats Aric like a conquering king. It is only to get him to lower his defenses. When he does relax and Lydia tries to bite him, Aric stabs her in the heart with a dagger. Lydia crashes out through a window and vanishes mysteriously.
Within the alien chambers, Ken has killed the last of his jailers. Suddenly, Aric contacts him through one of his alien view screens. Wired into the alien communications net, Aric has successfully usurped the alien front corporation, Orb Industries.
RAI 01 (March 1992)
Cover l David Lapham (with Bob Layton)
New Moon Asunder l Writer: David Michelinie l Penciler: Joe St. Pierre l Inker: Charles Barnett III l Colorist: Jade Moede l Lettering: Jade Moede l Editor: Don Perlin l 26 pages
Supporting Characters l Kazuyo Nakadai l Rentaro Nakadai l Lt. Wasabe l Councilor Seko l President Tanaka l Makiko l Minashi (Healer)
Other Characters l Koji Yama (Healer) l Grandmother Drone
Cameo Appearances l Takashi Nakadai
The Restoration Underground (aka Healers) attacks the Skull Dome to steal a deflector component. They are opposed by the government’s Humanist forces (of President Tanaka) who are led by Kazuyo.
The Restoration Underground (aka Healers) attacks the Skull Dome to steal a deflector component. They are opposed by the government’s Humanist forces (of President Tanaka) who are led by Kazuyo.
Rai helps drive them away but they manage to secretly steal what they came for.
The Humanist then allow Kazuyo and Rai to destroy a Grandmother Drone in order to keep their true project secret.
HARBINGER 03 (March 1992)
Cover l David Lapham (with Kevin Nowlan)
Cover Colorist l Janet Jackson
One Small Step l Writer: Jim Shooter l Penciler: David Lapham l Inker: John Dixon l Colorist: Janet Jackson (with Maria Beccari and Jorge Gonzalez) l Lettering: Ken Lopez l Editor: Janet Jackson l 24 pages
Featured Characters l Pete Stanchek (Sting) l Kris Hathaway l Faith Herbert (Zephyr/Zepplin) l Charlene Dupre (Flamingo) l John Torkelson (Torque)
Supporting Characters l Doctor Lawrence Heyward l Ax l Rexo
Other Characters l Lotsa Spider Aliens
The team prepares to depart Dr. Heyward’s Savannah home. Zepplin accidentally interrupts Kris and Torque sharing a quiet moment. They act casual, but it’s apparent that a relationship is blossoming between the two.
In Seattle, the team meets Ax, a computer hacker they contacted to help them decode stolen Harbinger Foundation computer discs. Suspecting Ax may be a latent Harbinger, Pete psionically activates Ax’s potential power. Suddenly Ax has absolute control of computer systems. The discs reveal alienn landing sites. They decide to go check it out and, despite Ax’s immoral tendencies, they take him on as a team-member.
Checking out a site in Olympic National Park, they are attacked by Spider Alien warriors. They defeat the aliens and find an alien ship. They enter the craft and it flies them, against their will, to the alien moonbase. Having landed, the team is knocked out by sleeping gas. Rexo enters the room and commands his alien underlings to place the team in suspended animation. All except for Ax, whom Rexo feels may prove useful to the alien cause.
Some time later, Zeppelin is surreptitiously awakened by Ax. He explains that he’s helping the aliens create a new starship to return to their homeworld. But he provides this service on the condition that he gets Zepplin to keep him company. The others must die as food for the Spiders. Repulsed, Zeppelin frees Sting from the device keeping him unconscious. He knocks out Ax and awakens the others. They attempt a getaway, but they are blocked by Rexo and the Spider warriors. Rexo and the Spiders manage to defeat the team with only Flamingo left standing.
SOLAR MAN OF THE ATOM 07 (March 1992)
Cover l Barry Windsor-Smith
Single Combat (main feature) l Writer: Jim Shooter l Penciler: Don Perlin l Inker: Stan Drake l Colorist: Knob Row l Lettering: Audra Verde l Editor: Bob Layton l 22 pages
Supporting Characters l Alien X-O Manowar Warrior
First Strike story arc, Part Three. The X-O Manowar armor left on a moon of Saturn at the story’s conclusion is one of the only two known Manowars. The other, of course, belongs to Aric. This story also shows uses for the armor that Aric has yet to employ, such as the energy-net.
Near Saturn, Solar is in the process of destroying the massive Spider Alien invasion fleet. Within one of the alien ships, an alien warrior hurries to a chamber where the X-O Manowar armor is kept. Donning the Ignition Ring, the warrior puts on the armor and then exits the ship.
Once outside, the Manowarrior blasts Solar apart with his ion cannons. Solar recorporates and angrilly causes rocky particles from Saturn’s rings to fly at the alien fleet. Half of the crafts are destroyed by the barrage. Retaliating, the Manowarrior tackles Solar down to a nearby moon. There, he relentlessly pounds Solar. Solar begins to realize that this particular type of armor may well defeat him. With his energy dangerously depleted, Solar sends his hand flying off to the sun to gather more energy. But it will be a while before the hand returns, and Solar must stay alive until then.
Solar retreats to another moon with an energy-charged atmosphere. There, he soaks up a little life-sustaining energy and tries to defeat the pursuing Manowarrior in a variety of clever ways.
But he lacks the sufficient power to defeat the Manowar-armored alien. The Manowarrior catches Solar in his technological, energy-absorbing net. As the net slowly brings Solar towards discorporation, the Manowarrior speaks to him at last. He says that fusion-consuming Solar is like the Spider Alien gods and that he laments having to kill this sun-god. But as Solar is about to dissipate, his hand returns with energy from the sun. The power flowing back into Solar is ten times what he started with! And he burns away the techno-web and downs the Manowarrior. But, still, the warrior isn’t dead. He demands that Solar kill him, for the Spider gods demand death in combat. So, Solar enters the Manowar Armor and kills the warrior inside. Leaving the armored body on the Saturn moon, Solar departs.
Alpha And Omega: Part Seven (bonus pull-out insert) l Concept: Bob Layton and Jim Shooter l Development: Jim Shooter and Barry Windsor-Smith l Writer: Jim Shooter l Pencil Artist/Storyteller: Barry Windsor-Smith l Inker: Bob Layton l Colorist: Janet Jackson l Lettering: Jade Mode l 8 pages
Featured Character l Doctor Phillip Seleski
Supporting Characters l Doctor Dobson l Erica Pierce l Gayle Nordheim l Harold (Gayle's Date)
Alpha And Omega (Solar O) was serialized over the first ten issues of Solar Man Of The Atom as a series of pull-out inserts with each two page centerspread per insert billed as part of the world's largest comic book panel. When assembled these panels formed a whopping 26.5 inch by 51.25 inch page which depicted the climax of the serialized story arc. Alpha And Omega, when read in its entirety, serves as The Origin Of Solar Man Of The Atom, and is the prologue story to Solar Man Of The Atom No. 1. A separate title page and text page prefaced the fourth pull-out insert.
"In previous chapters, Doctor Phillip Seleski was transformed into a godlike being of pure energy by a thermonuclear accident.
Since the event, he has slowly been learning the incredible extent of his power. Now, he is beginning to use it..."
Cover l Mark Moretti (with Kevin Nowlan)
Sun Of The Devil l Plot: Jim Shooter l Writer: David Michelinie l Penciler: Mark Moretti l Inker: Charles Barnett III l Colorist: Knob Row l Lettering: Brad Joyce l Editor: Don Perlin l 22 pages
Supporting Characters l Xyrkol l Tekla l E-7 l Leeja l Timbuc
Other Characters l President Clane l Felina l Slagger
The Xyrkol Trilogy story arc, Part Three. Timbuc's name was incorrectly spelled with a "k" instead of a "c".
To demonstrate his powers, Xyrkol boils away the largest lake in North Am. President Clane surrenders North Am while Synchron fights on against Xyrkol. Leeja manages to access the subspace channel that leads to Xyrkol’s fortress. She irreparably damages the station and frees Magnus who battles Xyrkol. Magnus returns the station to normal space and there the Gophs deal with Xyrkol. Tekla takes custody of Xyrkol and Leeja decides to return to North Am. Magnus de-probes Slagger and remains in the Goph Levs as one of them.
X-O MANOWAR 03 (April 1992)
Cover l David Lapham (with Bob Layton)
The Most Powerful Man In The World! l Writer: Jim Shooter (with Steve Englehart) l Penciler: Sal Velluto l Inker: Tom Ryder (with Ted Halstead) l Colorist: Jorge Gonzalez Lettering: Ken Lopez l Editor: Jim Shooter l 22 pages
Supporting Characters l Ken l Harada l Sniper
Other Characters l Solar
Sniper was originally named “X-Caliber”. The name was changed for the X-O Manowar Trade Paperback because Marvel Comics retains the copyright to the name X-Caliber.
Within his “throne room” of Orb Industries, Aric struggles to understand his new world. Ken, on the other hand, struggles to understand how to run this corporate empire they have usurped. Ken is setting himself up as Orb CEO, but he needs Aric’s strength to hold it all together. And Aric needs Ken to acclimate him to the modern world.
Cover l David Lapham (with Bob Layton)
The Most Powerful Man In The World! l Writer: Jim Shooter (with Steve Englehart) l Penciler: Sal Velluto l Inker: Tom Ryder (with Ted Halstead) l Colorist: Jorge Gonzalez Lettering: Ken Lopez l Editor: Jim Shooter l 22 pages
Supporting Characters l Ken l Harada l Sniper
Other Characters l Solar
Sniper was originally named “X-Caliber”. The name was changed for the X-O Manowar Trade Paperback because Marvel Comics retains the copyright to the name X-Caliber.
Within his “throne room” of Orb Industries, Aric struggles to understand his new world. Ken, on the other hand, struggles to understand how to run this corporate empire they have usurped. Ken is setting himself up as Orb CEO, but he needs Aric’s strength to hold it all together. And Aric needs Ken to acclimate him to the modern world.
Meanwhile, Toyo Harada summons the special operative, Sniper. Harada contracts Sniper to sanction X-O, whom Harada thinks is an armored alien.
At Orb, Aric is visited by Solar, who thanks him for eliminating so many Spider Aliens. Aric doesn’t understand and Solar leaves as quickly as he came. Aric then goes to Central Park to walk free of the Good Skin and these puzzling “wizards”. Unarmed, Aric is attacked by a gang of muggers. But Aric is a great warrior even without the Good Skin and he ruthlessly slays the “bandits”.
As Aric dons the Good Skin and flies back home, he is ambushed by Sniper. Employing his awesome firepower, Sniper presses the attack. In Tokyo, Harada telepathically monitors the battle. As bystanders are injured by ricochets from the fighting, Aric attempts to move the battle to the less crowded park. Harada then realizes that this armored opponent is no alien. But Sniper just presses the attack further. The X-O Armor takes some damage, but Aric finally overpowers Sniper. Aric leaves, concerned about the damage to the Good Skin. And in Tokyo, Harada ponders how to deal with this powerful new entity.RAI 02 (April 1992)
Cover l Joe St. Pierre (with Bob Layton)
Ice Burn l Writer: David Michelinie l Penciler: Joe St. Pierre l Inker: Charles Barnett III l Colorist: Knob Row l Lettering: Jade Moede l Editor: Don Perlin l 24 pages
Supporting Characters l Kazuyo Nakadai l Rentaro Nakadai l Lt. Wasabe l Makiko l President Tanaka l Councilor Seko l Icespike
Rai wages war on the Neopium drug trade. The Healers disclose the location of a production facility in order to prevent Rai’s interference with Project Homecoming. At the Satori Commerce Spire, a Neopium production center, Rai faces Icespike, an enforcer set on killing Rai to acquire a reputation. Rai and Kazuyo defeat him but he manages to elude capture. Meanwhile, Icespike’s employer, Councilor Seko, decides to have Rai eliminated.
HARBINGER 04 (April 1992)
Cover l David Lapham (with Kevin Nowlan)
Cover Colorist l Janet Jackson
Where The Love-Light Gleams… l Writer: Jim Shooter l Penciler: David Lapham l Inker: John Dixon l Colorist: Janet Jackson (with Maria Beccari) l Lettering: Anthony J. Avon l Editor: Janet Jackson l 22 pages
Featured Characters l Pete Stanchek (Sting) l Kris Hathaway l Faith Herbert (Zephyr/Zepplin) l Charlene Dupre (Flamingo) l John Torkelson (Torque)
Supporting Characters l Bazooka l Ax l Rexo l Spikeman l Fort
Other Characters l Mrs. DuPre l Mr. & Mrs, Herbert l Joe-Bob (friend of Torque’s foster father)
Cameo Appearances l Boba-Fett (Ax’s dog)
Within the Spider Alien moonbase, Flamingo stands alone against Rexo. She cannot harm his alien armor, so she melts the floor beneath him. Rexo drops out of the situation even as his alien underlings are cooked by the heat blast. Flamingo then revives her friends. Taking Ax with them, they all leave aboard the space ship in which they arrived.
Back on Earth, they drop off Ax in the middle of nowhere. They then find, upon returning, that they have been away for five months. They all have second thoughts about remaining as a team. Certainly, Kris is becoming colder to Sting. Zepplin returns to her home, as does Flamingo. And Kris and Torque grow more intimate as she helps Torque conquer his illiteracy. It is at that point, presumably, that Torque and Kris conceive Magnus. Then, Torque goes home. And when Sting displays some jealousy of Kris and Torque, Kris also leaves.
Meanwhile, Ax makes his way back home. Using his power, he hacks into Harbinger Foundation data and retrieves the files of Fort, Bazooka, and Spikeman.
In Abbeville, Alabama, Flamingo reaches out to her estranged, ultra-religious mother. In Lynchburg, Virginia, Zepplin finds life with her parents rather boring. In Decatur, Georgia, Torque discovers that the old auto mechanic who raised him has died of natural causes while the team was on the moon. Torque has lost his only family. In Coverdale, Pennsylvania, Kris notices that Harbinger personnel have an undercover surveillance of Pete’s home. She returns to Savannah and finds Sting safe. It is a pleasant reunion.
Back in Georgia, Ax and his new allies have found the shack wherein sleeps Torque. Bazooka flushes Torque out by exploding the shack with his Bazooka.
In Savannah, Zepplin and Flamingo return to be with Kris and Sting. Together, they resolve to go find Torque.
Combining their talents, Ax and his friends have almost defeated Torque. Then the rest of the Harbinger Renegades arrive. With difficulty, they best Ax and his group. They return to the house in Savannah to celebrate Christmas and lick their wounds.SOLAR MAN OF THE ATOM 08 (April 1992)
Cover l Don Perlin (with Stan Drake)
Single Combat (main feature) l Writer: Jim Shooter l Penciler: James Brock l Inker: Gonzalo Mayo l Colorist: Mike Cavallaro and the Toasters l Lettering: Beth Ann Jenks l Editor: Bob Layton l 22 pages
Supporting Characters l Toyo Harada l Kama l Jorge l Gayle Nordheim l Mister Drahushuk l Doctor Dobson l Erica Pierce l John Veerhusen
Other Characters l Harada’s briefing staff l unnamed FBI agents l customers and employees of Kama’s pleasure palace
Cameo Appearances l Puff l Thumper l Ms Ando l Torque l Zepplin l Sparrow l Sting l Flamingo l Rock l X-O Manowar
First Strike story arc, Part Four.
In the Tokyo headquarters of the Harbinger Foundation, Toyo Harada attends a briefing. He is informed that Solar apparently vanished the day after his confrontation with Harada. The briefing also touches on the activities of the Harbinger Renegades, the Spider Aliens, and X-O Manowar, whom the Harbinger operatives mistakenly believe to be an armored alien warrior. Harada decides to contract a special operative to confront the armored alien. Harada is then informed of Kama, the “Dragon of Bangkok”. She is known to have dealings with the aliens and previous harbinger agents investigating her have disappeared. Harada decides to deal with kama personally.
At the Edgewater facility, Gayle and Jorge discuss how Phil Seleski has been missing for about a year. Gayle seems emotionally disturbed at the thought and she storms off, running into Edgewater’s unpleasant new NRC watchdog, Mr Drahushuk. Drahushuk then goes to ask Dr Dobson about Gayle’s relationship with the missing Seleski. He also rides Dobson about his alcoholism. Drahushuk then goes to speak with Erica Pierce, but finds her door locked. Inside, Pierce is burning with energies she doesn’t understand and wishing Seleski were back to help her. Apparently, the energies in the containment building affected her as well as Seleski, but he had the advantage of melding with his other self to learn how to control his powers.
At the home of John Veerhusen, Big John finds he cannot sleep. He steps out into the night air and wonders how his missing friend fared against the alien fleet. Then, he sees Solar approach like a falling star. It has taken so long for Solar to find his way home that he has trouble speaking as he’s unused to breathing again. He tells John that he chased the fleet away and must now expunge all the terrestrial alien bases.
Solar goes to check the Chicago alien base. He finds it cleaned out, but a contingent of FBI agents await within. They attack Solar, to no avail, but Solar does deduce that the government knows about the aliens. So he travels to the FBI headquarters and raids their computer files. Discovering the high-priority listing for Kama’s Bangkok location, Solar proceeds there. Arriving in Bangkok, Solar is just in time to see Harada enter Kama’s brothel/bar.
Harada seats himself in the strip-club establishment and waits. Drawn by his powerful presence, Kama joins Harada at his table. She tells Harada that she cannot shut out his mental probing, but that, once in her mind, he will experience the depravities that she has commited. Harada may have power over the will, but Kama’s is the power to erode the will. And Harada finds himself surrendering to passion as Kama’s women gather round and caress him.
Suddenly, Solar blasts into the club. On his way in, he was attacked by Kama’s bouncers, some of whom were armed with Spider Alien technology. Now Solar demands where they obtained such weapons. But Kama seemingly transforms into a dragon while the bar becomes a skull-strewn landscape. The dragon holds Gayle in its grasp and demands of Solar how many more must die because of him? Solar’s resolve to fight falters until Harada enters the dreamlike scene and urges him to strike. He cuts loose with his power and, suddenly, he is back in the bar with Kama and her men laid low by his energy blast.
Harada has now regained his strength. He reveals to Solar that Kama was supplying the aliens with humans to feed off of while helping stranded aliens find safe havens. Harada continues that he finds Solar to be just as great an evil and will, one day, take action against Solar.
Returning, at last, to Edgewater, Seleski is questioned by Drahushuk. He tells the NRC man that he was kidnapped by the aliens, but managed to escape. Knowing about the aliens from his government contacts, Drahushuk buys the story, but will require a more detailed explanation in the future. And he allows Phil to get back to his normal duties. The issue ends with Phil paying a condolence call to the household of Ettice Cunningham’s family.
Alpha And Omega: Part Eight (bonus pull-out insert) l Concept: Bob Layton and Jim Shooter l Development: Jim Shooter and Barry Windsor-Smith l Writer: Jim Shooter l Pencil Artist/Storyteller: Barry Windsor-Smith l Inker: Bob Layton l Colorist: Janet Jackson l Lettering: Jade Mode l 8 pages
Featured Character l Doctor Phillip Seleski
Supporting Characters l Doctor Dobson l Erica Pierce l Gayle Nordheim
Alpha And Omega (Solar O) was serialized over the first ten issues of Solar Man Of The Atom as a series of pull-out inserts with each two page centerspread per insert billed as part of the world's largest comic book panel. When assembled these panels formed a whopping 26.5 inch by 51.25 inch page which depicted the climax of the serialized story arc. Alpha And Omega, when read in its entirety, serves as The Origin Of Solar Man Of The Atom, and is the prologue story to Solar Man Of The Atom No. 1. A separate title page and text page prefaced the fourth pull-out insert.
"In previous chapters, Doctor Phillip Seleski was transformed by a thermonuclear accident into a godlike being of pure energy.
Aware now of the full extent of his power, Seleski has begun dismantling dangerous nuclear facilities around the world, in an effort to save lives and, perhaps, the world itself
Now, knowledge of the existence of the Man Of The Atom is beginning to spread..."
Cover l Gonzaylo Mayo
Stone And Steel! l Writer: Jim Shooter (with Faye Perozich) l Penciler: Gonzalo Mayo l Inker: Gonzalo Mayo l Colorist: Knob Row l Lettering: Brad Joyce (with Joe Albelo) l Editor: Don Perlin l 27 pagesCover l Gonzaylo Mayo
Supporting Characters l Elzy l Willow Talltrees l Turok l Andar l Lazlo Noel
Other Characters l Gork (a goph)
This issue contains a back-up story on special paper. It is the first modern appearance of the Asylum on Phobos. Additional details about 1-A and the origin of Magnus are revealed when Grand One is tried in absentia by the inmates of the Asylum on the Martian moon Phobos.
Magnus is asked to adjudicate a dispute over who owns Willow Talltree, after the Senator’s daughter is caught in the Goph Levs. He sides with Elzy but must battle Gork over his decision. After defeating Gork he finds that Willow came to ask his assistance. She, along with Dr. Noel and others, have established a colony in the Lost Land. There they are fighting the locals led by Turok. Magnus enters the Lost Land with Willow but quickly realizes that the people of North Am have no business there. He aids Turok in defeating Dr. Noel and his “settlers”. Magnus and Turok part as friends when Magnus and Willow return to North Am. Noel is left trapped inside a dino rob deprived of power.
“Trial And Error” (bonus insert) l Plot: Jim Shooter l Writer: Jim Shooter (with Faye Perozich) l Penciler: Mark Moretti l Inker: Charles Barnett lll l Colorist: Maurice Fontenot (with Mike Cavallero) l Lettering: Jade l Editor l Don Perlin l 8 pages
Featured Characters l 1-A l Grand-One (Kimi, 1-A)
Supporting Characters l Asylum inmates on Martian Moon Phobos
Cameo Appearance l Magnus (as a holo image)
Asylum inmates on the Martian Moon Phobos place Grand-One on trial. Throughout the course of the trial the truth about 1-A’s experimental superhumans and about 1-A himself is, at last, revealed. At the conclusion of the trial, Grand-One is destroyed by Asylum inmate Cracker, and revealed to be a mock-up of the real Grand-One.X-O MANOWAR 04
(May 1992)
Cover l Barry Windsor-Smith (with Bob Layton)
King's Crossing l Writer: Steve Englehart (with Bob Layton) l Penciler: Mike Manley l Inker: Ralph Reese (with Tom Ryder) l Colorist: Jorge Gonzalez (with Paul Autio) l Lettering: Ken Lopez l Editor: Jim Shooter l 22 pages
Supporting Characters l Ken l Harada l Sting l Kris l Zepplin l Flamingo l Torque
Other Characters l Todd Bevins (Harbinger administrator) l Mr. Bremer (Harbinger administrator)
Cameo Appearances l Jack Boniface l Lydia, the Spider Alien
Harada and Aric drink at the same bar where Lydia stalks Jack Boniface before he becomes Shadowman. In fact, Aric bumps into Lydia on his way to the bathroom, but fails to recognize her.
In the Orb Industries "throne room", Ken informs Aric that Sniper was sent to kill him by Harada. Suddenly, Flarada’s people contact Orb Industries through the Spider alien communications network. They claim that reparations have been made for the damage Sniper caused and that Harada would like to meet Aric on friendlier terms. Seeing the images of Mardi Gras on the viewscreen Aric agrees against Ken’s wishes to meet in New Orleans.
Unknown to Aric and Ken, Zepplin of the Harbinger renegades has been spying through the broken throne-room window. She reports back to the others about the meeting in New Orleans. The Harbinger Kids came to New york to see if Harada was connected to the X-O/Sniper battle. And now they will go to New Orleans to kill Harada on his visit to America.
Aric and Ken arrive in New Orleans aboard their chartered jet. They meet Harada, who sees past Aric’s apparent ignorance. Reaching a mutual respect, Aric and Harada go out to enjoy the New Orleans nightlife. They enjoy several drinks before the Harbinger kids unexpectedly attack. Drunk though he is, Aric dons the Good Skin to defend his new "friend" Harada. With the Manowar Armor, Aric surprises the kids and is more than a match for them. The Harbinger Renegades retreat in a hurry. Harada thanks Aric, and the two part company. Aric goes off to taste the pleasures of New Orleans. Harada ponders how to exploit his relationship with the powerful Aric.
(May 1992)
Cover l David Lapham (with Bob Layton)
Jazz l Writer: Jim Shooter (with Steve Englehart) l Penciler: David Lapham l Inker: Joe Rubinstein l Colorist: Jorge Gonzalez l Lettering: Ken Lopez l Editor: Don Perlin l 20 pages
Supporting Characters l Lydia l Darryl (serial killer)
Other Characters l Dickey (a musician) l Amelia (a bartender)
Cover l David Lapham (with Bob Layton)
Jazz l Writer: Jim Shooter (with Steve Englehart) l Penciler: David Lapham l Inker: Joe Rubinstein l Colorist: Jorge Gonzalez l Lettering: Ken Lopez l Editor: Don Perlin l 20 pages
Supporting Characters l Lydia l Darryl (serial killer)
Other Characters l Dickey (a musician) l Amelia (a bartender)
First appearance of Shadowman. Also, the serial killer is a member of the swamp killer-family in Shadowman #6.
In a New Orleans bar, Jack Boniface plays jazz saxophone for the crowd. He has noticed a particular lady attending his recent gigs. Tonight, he finally approaches her after his set and sits with her to get better acquainted. Her name is Lydia and she’s a fan of Jack’s. He finds her exotic and enticing and they soon leave to go to her place. But when they get there, she drugs him with a paralyzing beverage. She is Lydia, the Spider Alien who recently was almost killed by Aric. And now she will drink Jack’s blood. But something interrupts her just as Jack loses conciousness.
In a New Orleans bar, Jack Boniface plays jazz saxophone for the crowd. He has noticed a particular lady attending his recent gigs. Tonight, he finally approaches her after his set and sits with her to get better acquainted. Her name is Lydia and she’s a fan of Jack’s. He finds her exotic and enticing and they soon leave to go to her place. But when they get there, she drugs him with a paralyzing beverage. She is Lydia, the Spider Alien who recently was almost killed by Aric. And now she will drink Jack’s blood. But something interrupts her just as Jack loses conciousness.
In the morning, Jack awakens to find Lydia’s apartment deserted. He sees he was bitten on the throat. He then chacks the attic and discovers the rotting corpses of her previous victims. Terrified, Jack rushes home.
As night falls, Jack thinks about calling the police about the attic full of corpses. But an overpowering urge to hunt her down fills him and he wanders out into the night. In a gutter, Jack finds a discarded Carnival mask. He is contemplating the mask when he hears a commotion coming from an alley. Donning the mask, Jack investigates to find a masked killer mutilating a young female victim. Jack thinks of this killer as a “demon in his night”. Jack is compelled to attack. However, the killer escapes. Hearing the ruckus, an elderly woman looks out her back door to see Jack standing there in the shadows with his mask. When he disappears into the night, she dubs him “Shadowman”.
RAI 03
(MAY 1992)
Cover l Joe St. Pierre (with Bob Layton)
The Devil In The Nerveweb l Writer: David Michelinie l Layouts:
Joe St. Pierre l Additional Art: Sal Velluto l Inker: Charles Barnett lll l
Colorist: Knob Row l Lettering: Brad Joyce and George Roberts l Editor: Don
Perlin l 24 pages
Featured Character l Rai (Tohru Nakadai)
Supporting Characters l Kazuyo Nakadai l Makiko l President
Tanaka l Councilor Seko
Other Characters l Hiro (Healer) l Koji Yama (Healer) l
Mitsu (Young Rai Fan) l Kurihashi (member of Isao’s clique)
Healers, using codes provided by Councilor
Seko, alter the Nerveweb to block and then attack Rai. At the same time Makiko
attacks Kazuyo, who is without her armor, and the Healers attack the
desalinization control for the seawater storage facility. Rai manages to escape
the Nerveweb and Kazuyo defeats Makiko. With only two days remaining until the
launch of Project Homecoming the Healers have managed to turn many of the
people of Japan against Rai.
(May 1992)
Cover l David Lapham (with Kevin Nowlan)
Cover Colorist l Janet Jackson
All For One l Writer: Jim Shooter (with Janet Jackson) l Penciler: David Lapham l Inker: John Dixon l Colorist: Maria Beccari l Lettering: Joe Albelo l Editor: Don Perlin l 22 pages
Featured Characters l Pete Stanchek (Sting) l Kris Hathaway l Faith Herbert (Zephyr/Zepplin) l Charlene Dupre (Flamingo) l John Torkelson (Torque)
Supporting Characters l Harada l Puff l Thumper l Solar
Other Characters l William & Ms. Ando (Harbinger administrators) l Captain Smith (Charter pilot) l Ed & Seymour (Harbinger technicians)
Cameo Appearances l Rock l Swallow l Flashbulb
In New Orleans, the kids take a vacation. They split up to take in the city’s sights. We learn that Flamingo has a heart-felt appreciation of art. It is also revealed that Torque was abused and, in essence, denied a normal childhood. Pete psionically scans the city and picks up the visiting Harada’s location. They are ready to go after him when they see the news report that the Harbinger Foundation building in Dallas suffered a terrible explosion. The cause of the catastrophe is unknown.
In Dallas, Harada returns to handle the situation personally. It seems Puff lost control of his ability to disintegrate matter. His uncontrolled power is what leveled the Dallas complex. Harada joins Puff and attempts to psionically place Puff back in control of his power.
Meanwhile, Solar arrives in Dallas to examine the damage. The Harbinger Renegades track Harada to the place where Puff is held. They fight their way inside the building. Unable to help Puff and anticipating the renegades’ attack, Harada tells Thumper that he has no choice but to terminate Puff. However, Thumper risks her life and shows her caring for Puff by shielding Puff with her body. Just then, the kids burst into the chamber. While the others attack the troops, Sting faces off alone against Harada. Thumper then leaves Puffs side to protect the beleaguered Harada. But now Puffs power once again threatens to explode. Sting attempts to psionically help Puff remember how to control his power. But he cannot since he doesn’t know how to disintegrate matter in the first place.
At last, the phone rings. Kris answers it and out of the phone springs Solar. He is here to get Harada, but instead is quickly briefed on the perilous situation. Since Solar already knows how to disintegrate matter, Sting extracts the knowledge psionically from Solar and transfers it to Puffs mind.
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